I tried to make this code execute code when the green cubes are clicked, and it worked:
from ursina import *
nav = [None, 0, 0]
"""nav[0] store the cubes hovered data so i can get information and change it (type(nav[0]) is entity)
nav[1] tells the player if it must move or not (0 and 1)
nav[2] tells the program when it should reset nav (when the movement is over)(with 0 and 1)"""
# Configurable variables
movement_speed = 0.1 # Speed of movement when holding WASD
rotation_speed = 40 # Speed of rotation (degrees per frame)
camera_distance = 15 # Distance of the camera from the player
target_threshold = 0.5 # Distance threshold to stop moving when reaching the target
control_mode = 0 # 0 = Move with click, 1 = Move with WASD
"""this is the function that is called when a green cube is clicked and store the cubes data (like position)
and tells the player when to start movement (with nav[1]):"""
def click():
global nav
nav = [
(mouse.hovered_entity.x,#cube x
mouse.hovered_entity.y + mouse.hovered_entity.scale[1] / 2,#cube y
mouse.hovered_entity.z),#cube z
1, #start or not
0]#reset nav to None when movment is over
"""I made a function that gets the player position (a_x,a_y) and
block that is clicked(b_x ,b_y) and return the I and j vector that i** 2+j**2 =1 .
if the distance of player from block is less than 0.5 it will make nav [ 2] True so the player will stop: """
def normalize_direction_vector(x_a, y_a, x_b, y_b):
global nav
dx = x_b - x_a
dy = y_b - y_a
magnitude = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
i = dx / magnitude
if magnitude < target_threshold:
nav[2] = 1
i = 0
nav[2] = 1
j = dy / magnitude
if magnitude < target_threshold:
nav[2] = 1
j = 0
nav[2] = 1
return [i, j]
#u is the app(windows) and a is the player a white cube:
u = Ursina(fullscreen=1, development_mode=1)
a = Entity(model="cube", position=Vec3(0, 0, 0), scale=Vec3(1, 1, 1))
""" I made a 10*10 platform of green cubes
which when they are clicked the player will move and their action is click()
and the problem is when they are clicked the function doesnt run:"""
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
block = Entity(model='cube',,
position=Vec3(i, -1, j),
scale=Vec3(1, 1, 1),
on_click=click)#here is the problem
cam = camera
while True:
if held_keys["escape"]:
"""makes the cube that was hovered by the mouse green again so
it won't remain black(because the mouse makes the hovered blocks black later in the code.
I don't want them to remain black and become green again if mouse is not hovered) """
hov.color =
except:#if hov is None
if control_mode: # WASD Movement
if held_keys["w"]:
a.x += movement_speed
a.z += movement_speed
if held_keys["s"]:
a.x -= movement_speed
a.z -= movement_speed
if held_keys["a"]:
a.x -= movement_speed
a.z += movement_speed
if held_keys["d"]:
a.x += movement_speed
a.z -= movement_speed
"""makes the player move if hov[1] is true(the player must move)
and make the player move (using line 16-35) .
if hov[2] is true the nav list will reset and the player won't move anymore:"""
if not control_mode and nav[1]: # Click-to-move
c = normalize_direction_vector(a.x, a.z, nav[0][0], nav[0][2])
if nav[2]:#check if the plauer must stop
nav = [None, 0, 0]
a.x += c[0] * movement_speed
a.z += c[1] * movement_speed
"""controls the camera and the players view with mouse"""
a.look_at((mouse.x * 5 + a.x, 0, mouse.y * 5 + a.z,))
cam.x = a.x - camera_distance
cam.y = a.y + camera_distance
cam.z = a.z - camera_distance
cam.look_at((mouse.x * 5 + a.x, 0, mouse.y * 5 + a.z,))
a.rotate(Vec3(0, rotation_speed, 0))
"""folowing line will make the hovered cubes with mouse black ."""
hov = mouse.hovered_entity
mouse.hovered_entity.color =
except:#if no hov cubes
But when I changed my code to be in a function, like this:
from ursina import *
def click():
global nav
nav = [(mouse.hovered_entity.x, mouse.hovered_entity.y + mouse.hovered_entity.scale[1] / 2, mouse.hovered_entity.z), 1, 0]
def runner():
nav = [None, 0, 0]
# Configurable variables
movement_speed = 0.1 # Speed of movement when holding WASD
rotation_speed = 40 # Speed of rotation (degrees per frame)
camera_distance = 15 # Distance of the camera from the player
target_threshold = 0.5 # Distance threshold to stop moving when reaching the target
control_mode = 0 # 0 = Move with click, 1 = Move with WASD
def normalize_direction_vector(x_a, y_a, x_b, y_b):
global nav
dx = x_b - x_a
dy = y_b - y_a
magnitude = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
i = dx / magnitude
if magnitude < target_threshold:
nav[2] = 1
i = 0
nav[2] = 1
j = dy / magnitude
if magnitude < target_threshold:
nav[2] = 1
j = 0
nav[2] = 1
return [i, j]
u = Ursina(fullscreen=1, development_mode=1)
a = Entity(model="cube", position=Vec3(0, 0, 0), scale=Vec3(1, 1, 1))
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
block = Entity(model='cube',, position=Vec3(i, -1, j), scale=Vec3(1, 1, 1), collider="box", on_click=click)
cam = camera
while True:
if held_keys["escape"]:
hov.color =
if control_mode: # WASD Movement
if held_keys["w"]:
a.x += movement_speed
a.z += movement_speed
if held_keys["s"]:
a.x -= movement_speed
a.z -= movement_speed
if held_keys["a"]:
a.x -= movement_speed
a.z += movement_speed
if held_keys["d"]:
a.x += movement_speed
a.z -= movement_speed
if not control_mode and nav[1]: # Click-to-move
c = normalize_direction_vector(a.x, a.z, nav[0][0], nav[0][2])
if nav[2]:
nav = [None, 0, 0]
a.x += c[0] * movement_speed
a.z += c[1] * movement_speed
a.look_at((mouse.x * 5 + a.x, 0, mouse.y * 5 + a.z,))
cam.x = a.x - camera_distance
cam.y = a.y + camera_distance
cam.z = a.z - camera_distance
cam.look_at((mouse.x * 5 + a.x, 0, mouse.y * 5 + a.z,))
hov = mouse.hovered_entity
mouse.hovered_entity.color =
a.rotate(Vec3(0, rotation_speed, 0))
it does not work anymore.
Also, I do not want to change my code to do something like have the mainloop contained in a function, I want to keep it contained in a while
本文标签: pythonwhy onclick action doesn39t work on ursinaStack Overflow
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