记一次Springboot问题Consider defining a bean of type“xxxxService”
Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.xxx.webservice.MeetService‘ in your configuration.
一、问题描述 springboot项目集成webservice服务端,启动服务端报错,报错如下图二、报错原因 配置中找不到一个指定自动注入类型的bean正常情况下加上Component注
Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.mongodb.client.MongoClient’ in your configuration.mongodb配置类问题
问题描述 Description: Parameter 0 of method getGridFSBucket in com.sctech.util.MongoConfig required a bean of type ‘com.mon
Action:Consider defining a bean of type ‘entity.IdWorker‘ in your configuration.
**Description:Field idWorker in com.changgou.goods.service.impl.SpuServiceImpl required a bean of type ‘entity.IdWorker’
添加Gateway依赖后启动报错Consider defining a bean of type ‘org.springframework.http.codec.ServerCodecConfigur
在给其他微服务添加网关Gateway时,在给Gateway项目添加Gateway依赖时,项目无法启动 问题为: 考虑在配置中增加org.springframework.h
Consider defining a bean of type ‘mapper.UserMapper‘ in your configuration. mapper找不到
主要是 之前mapper 文件目录错了 后来将 mapper 文件夹移动 了 没有重新创建里面的 mapper 导致 目录虽然对了 但是mapper 的pakeage 还是错的
springBoot整合redis出现Consider defining a bean of type com.abc.abcService in your configuration
这里写自定义目录标题 springBoot整合redis,出现Consider defining a bean of type com.***.***.service.*** in your configuration.RedisConne
Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.project.springboot.mapper.UserMapper‘ in your configuration.
新建springboot项目启动时出现报错:Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.project.springboot.mapper.UserMapper’ in your con
使用SpringBoot时出现Consider defining a bean问题解决方案及截图
使用SpringBoot时出现Consider defining a bean of type com.mark.activity.service.ActivityService in your configuration.解决方式 错误描
Consider revisiting the entries above or defining a bean of type *** that could not be found
现象 程序启动是报错 16:58:47.845 ERROR 11524 --- [ main] o.s.b.d.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter : *****************
Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.ecwid.consul.v1.ConsulRawClient‘ in yo
Description: Parameter 0 of method tsfLaneInfoKVLoader in com.tencent.cloud.tsf.lane.config.TsfLaneAutoConfiguration re
Spring Boot Consider defining a bean of type `xxx` in your configuration 错误6种情况解决(Spring、Dubbo、JPA等)
1 问题描述 Consider defining a bean of type com.service.UserService in your configuration. 2 问题分析 2.1 Spring 1、已经使用Servi
Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.csf.mapper.UserMapper‘ in your configuration
SpringBoot整合mybatis时,启动报错: **Field userMapper in com.csf.controller.UserController required a bea
Consider defining a bean of type ‘xx.xx.xx.xxService‘ in your configuratio
我这边是多模块项目,出现这种情况的原因是没有加载到service层 解决办法 在xxApplication加上ComponentScan(“com.tju.backend”)ComponentScan("
Consider defining a bean of type ‘tk.mybatis.mapper.common.Mapper’ in your configuration.
Description: Field mapper in com.XXXm.BaseServiceImpl required a bean of type ‘tk.mybatis.mappermon.Mapper’ that could n
Action:Consider defining a bean of type ‘AdminPunishService‘ in your configuration. 解决办法
Action:Consider defining a bean of type ‘org.unreal.cloud.inner.AdminPunishService’ in your configuration. 解决办法 Descrip
Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.dao.UserInfoDao‘ in your configuration.
前言 搭建项目报错为这个,阅读可知找不到这个通用mapper接口 ***************************APPLICATION FAILED TO START******************
Java--Action: Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.XX.dao.XXDao‘ in your configuration
启动 SpringBoot项目报错: ***************************APPLICATION FAILED TO START***************************Descri
Consider defining a bean of type 'xxx' in your configuration.
在springboot项目中出现Consider defining a bean of type ‘xxx’ in your configuration.的原因,是因为无法识别相应的bean,无法
typec扩展坞hdmi没反应_Type C拓展坞没你想的那么简单
Type C拓展坞在过去两年横扫线缆行业,各种厂商纷纷转产Type C拓展坞,貌似很简单,买个现成的PCBA方案,设计个炫酷的外观,买几个测试的品牌显示器就可以横空出世爆款,其实今天我们要说的是,Type C拓展坞没有你想的那么简单,没有程