


根据我的搜索结果1,OpenAI Codex是一个通用的编程模型,可以应用于任何编程任务,包括生成代码、解释代码和重构代码。要使用OpenAI Codex,您需要申请一个API密钥,并通过HTTP请求来调用它。



  • 创建一个QT项目,并选择动态库作为项目类型。
  • 在项目中定义一个接口类,并使用Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE宏来声明接口。
  • 在项目中实现接口类的子类,并使用Q_INTERFACES宏来注册接口。
  • 在子类中调用OpenAI Codex的API来生成或处理代码。
  • 在项目中添加Q_PLUGIN_METADATA宏来指定插件的元数据信息。
  • 编译项目并生成动态库文件(.dll或.so)作为插件。


/ interface.h

#include <QtPlugin>

class Interface
    virtual ~Interface() {}
    virtual QString generateCode(const QString &input) = 0; // a pure virtual function to generate code from input

#define Interface_iid "com.example.Interface"

Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(Interface, Interface_iid)

#endif // INTERFACE_H

// plugin.h
#ifndef PLUGIN_H
#define PLUGIN_H

#include "interface.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QtNetwork>

class Plugin : public QObject, public Interface
    Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID Interface_iid FILE "plugin.json")


    QString generateCode(const QString &input) override; // a function to generate code from input using OpenAI Codex API

    QNetworkAccessManager *manager; // a network manager to send HTTP requests to OpenAI Codex API

#endif // PLUGIN_H

// plugin.cpp
#include "plugin.h"

    manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); // create a network manager object

    delete manager; // delete the network manager object

QString Plugin::generateCode(const QString &input)
    QString output; // a string to store the output code

    QUrl url("https://api.openai/v1/engines/davinci-codex/completions"); // the URL of OpenAI Codex API endpoint

    QNetworkRequest request(url); // create a network request object

    request.setRawHeader("Authorization", "sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); // set the authorization header with your API key

    request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json"); // set the content type header as JSON

    QJsonObject json; // create a JSON object to store the parameters of the request

    json["prompt"] = input; // set the prompt parameter as the input string

    json["max_tokens"] = 100; // set the maximum number of tokens to generate as 100

    json["temperature"] = 0.1; // set the temperature parameter as 0.1

    json["stop"] = "\n"; // set the stop sequence as a newline character

    QByteArray data = QJsonDocument(json).toJson(); // convert the JSON object to a byte array

    QNetworkReply *reply = manager->post(request, data); // send a POST request with the request object and data byte array and get a reply object

    QEventLoop loop; // create an event loop to

// plugin.cpp (continued)
    loop.connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); // connect the finished signal of the reply object to the quit slot of the event loop

    loop.exec(); // start the event loop and wait for the reply to finish

    if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) // if there is no network error
        QByteArray response = reply->readAll(); // read all the data from the reply object

        QJsonObject result = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response).object(); // parse the data as a JSON object

        if (result.contains("choices")) // if the result contains a choices array
            QJsonArray choices = result["choices"].toArray(); // get the choices array

            if (!choices.isEmpty()) // if the choices array is not empty
                QJsonObject choice = choices[0].toObject(); // get the first choice object

                if (choice.contains("text")) // if the choice object contains a text field
                    output = choice["text"].toString(); // get the text field as a string and assign it to output

    reply->deleteLater(); // delete the reply object later

    return output; // return the output string


  "name": "OpenAI Plugin",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "A plugin that uses OpenAI Codex to generate code from input."


本文标签: 插件OpenAIChatGptQT