


信息技术 (Information Technology)

Information Technology (IT) can be defined as a set of all activities and solutions provided by computing resources. Indeed, applications for IT are many – are linked to different areas – there are several definitions and none can determine it completely.

信息技术(IT)可以定义为计算资源提供的所有活动和解决方案的集合。 实际上,IT的应用程序很多–链接到不同的领域–有几种定义,没有一个可以完全确定它。

信息技术–术语 (Information Technology  – The term)

IT is a major force in areas such as finance, transportation planning, design, production of goods, as well as the press, in publishing activities, radio and television. The increasingly rapid development of new information technologies changed the libraries and documentation centers (major sites of information storage), introducing new forms of organization and access to data stored and works, reduced costs and accelerated the production of newspapers and allows the formation of instant television networks worldwide.

在出版活动,广播和电视领域,IT是金融,运输计划,设计,商品生产以及新闻界等领域的主要力量。 新信息技术的日新月异的发展改变了图书馆和文献中心(信息存储的主要地点),引入了新的组织形式和对存储和工作的数据的访问,降低了成本,加快了报纸的生产,并允许形成即时电视全球网络。

Furthermore, this development has facilitated and intensified the personal and institutional communication, through word processing programs, training databases, desktop publishing, as well as technologies that enable the transmission of documents, sending messages and files, as well as consultations to remote computers (via global computer network like the internet). The diffusion of new information technologies has also brought gridlock and problems, mainly relating to privacy of individuals and their right to information, because people generally do not have access to large amounts of information about them collected by private and public institutions.

此外,这种发展通过文字处理程序,培训数据库,桌面出版以及使文档能够传输,发送消息和文件以及向远程计算机进行咨询的技术,促进并加强了个人和机构之间的交流。全球计算机网络,例如互联网)。 新信息技术的传播也带来了僵局和问题,主要涉及个人隐私及其知情权,因为人们通常无法获得私人和公共机构收集的有关他们的大量信息。

Information technology includes not only machine components. There are intellectual technologies used to deal with the cycle of information, such as classification techniques, for example, that do not require the use of machines only one schema. This scheme can also be included in a software that will be used, but this does not eliminate the fact that the technology already existed independently of the software. The technologies of classification and organization of information that libraries have existed began to be formed. Any book on library organization brings these technologies.

信息技术不仅包括机器组件。 存在用于处理信息循环的知识技术,例如分类技术,例如,它们不需要仅使用一种模式的机器。 该方案也可以包含在将要使用的软件中,但这不能消除该技术已经独立于软件而存在的事实。 图书馆已经存在的信息分类和组织技术开始形成。 任何有关图书馆组织的书籍都带来了这些技术。

The world’s largest developers of such technology are Sweden, Singapore, Denmark, Switzerland and the United States, according to The Global Information Technology 2009-2010 World Economic Forum.


组织中的信息技术(IT) (Information Technology (IT) in organizations)

Impact of Information Systems (IS) / Information Technology (IT) in organizations


The introduction of IS / IT in an organization will generate a set of changes, particularly in terms of relationships between organization and environment (discussed in terms of efficacy) and level of impacts on the internal organization (analyzed through efficiency).

在组织中引入IS / IT会产生一系列变化,尤其是在组织与环境之间的关系(从有效性方面进行讨论)以及对内部组织的影响程度(通过效率分析)方面。

IT is a valuable resource and cause repercussions at all levels of organizational structure:


  1. at the strategic level, when an action is likely to increase the coherence between the organization and its surroundings, which in turn translates into increased efficiency in meeting the organizational mission;

  2. administrative and operational levels, when there are endogenous effects, reflected in increasing organizational efficiency in terms of strategic options. However, this distinction to be made, does not mean that it is sealed, independent, as there are simultaneous impacts on several levels: strategic, operational and tactical.

    在产生内源性影响的情况下,行政和运营级别体现为在战略选择方面提高了组织效率。 但是,要进行这种区分并不意味着它是密封的,独立的,因为在以下几个层面上会同时产生影响:战略,运营和战术。

So we have that SI allows organizations to offer products at lower prices which, coupled with good service and good customer relationship, resulting in an additional competitive advantage through value added elements whose effect is the fidelity customers.


The use of SI can cause also changes in competitive conditions in a particular market, in terms of shifting the balance within the industry, deterrence and create barriers to entry for new competitors. The IS / IT also make it possible to develop new products / services to customers or existing differentiate from the competition and attract customers on a preferential basis in the competition.

使用SI可能还会改变特定市场中的竞争条件,从而改变行业内的平衡,威慑力,并为新竞争者进入市场造成障碍。 IS / IT还可以为客户开发新产品/服务或与竞争对手区别开来的现有产品/服务,并在竞争中优先吸引客户。

The use of high technology will enable a closer relationship between permanent and firm and suppliers, to the extent that any request / suggestion on the part of the company is able to be serviced / tested by the suppliers. Technology has enabled a change in thinking and acting of producers and consumers.

高科技的使用将使永久性企业与公司与供应商之间的关系更加紧密,只要供应商能够对公司的任何要求/建议进行服务/测试。 技术使生产者和消费者的思想和行为发生了变化。

Information Technologies have known impacts on the domestic side of organizations: the organizational structure and the role of environment / coordination in the organization, level of psychosocial and personal relationships, the subsystem of goals and values of people working in organizations, as well as technological subsystem.


The greatest benefits arise when organizational strategies, structures and processes are altered in conjunction with IT investments. IT’s permit, so a whole range of overcoming barriers to the extent that there is a new way of thinking, because real-time firms can act and react quickly to customers, markets and competition.

当组织战略,结构和流程与IT投资一起发生变化时,最大的收益就会出现。 IT允许,因此有一系列新的思维方式可以克服各种障碍,因为实时公司可以对客户,市场和竞争Swift采取行动并做出React。

信息技术及其对公司安全的影响 (Information Technology and its impact on corporate security)

Information Technology goes on steady advance, but at the same time its management at security [3] does not follow the same pace of security policies and is not yet at a level that can be considered efficient. With so many resources available and almost unlimited possibilities, managers forget that his company now has more than a gateway to the world, this door that is open, an individual can give valuable information about your organization.

信息技术一直在稳步发展,但是与此同时,其在安全性方面的管理[3]却没有遵循相同的安全策略步伐,并且还没有达到可以视为有效的水平。 拥有如此之多的资源和几乎无限的可能性,管理人员忘记了他的公司现在不仅拥有通向世界的门户,这扇门是敞开的,个人可以提供有关您组织的宝贵信息。

Then we have a case in which information technology becomes a risk due to management problems, it is important to emphasize the problems that technology brings to businesses as well as its benefits because it also generates costs and safety when dealing with high technology, investments in this area are never small.


Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到 。

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