HM-3300: Check and Edit the Mesh(HM-3300:检查和编辑网格)
In this tutorial you will check and edit the mesh.
You will learn how to:?Identify shell element connectivity problems
1.Correct shell element connectivity problems
2.Review the model’s shell elements to ensure connectivity problems werecorrected
3.Remesh the elements along the rib
4.Use element quality Cleanup tools
This exercise uses the file, which can be found in the file. Copy the file(s) from this directory to your working directory.
Step 1. Open the Model File
In this step you will open and view the model file,
- Start HyperMesh Desktop.
- From the menu bar, click File > Open > Model.
- In the Open Model dialog, open the file,
Step 2. Review Free Edges
In this step you will review the model’s free edges to identify shell elementconnectivity problems.
To open the Edges panel, do one of the following:
?From the menu bar, click Mesh > Check > Components > Edges.
?On the Checks toolbar, click (Edges).
?From the main menu, go to the Tool page and click edges.
?Press Shift + F3. -
Set the entity selector to comps.
In the graphics area, select any element.
HyperMesh selects the component containingthe element you selected. -
Click find edges.
HyperMesh creates a red 1D element alongeach shell element edge that is free (one or more of the nodes on the element’sedges are not shared by the adjacent elements), and organizes them into a newcomponent named ^edges.
Note: If the first character of a component’s name is ^,the component and its contents will not be written to the input file whenthe model is exported. -
Observe the red, 1D elements (free edges), and try to identify gaps in thecontinuity of the mesh.
Note: Look closely at the free edges interior to themodel.
- In the Model Browser, Component folder, click nextto shells to turn off its element display.
- Continue to identify which red, free edges do not belong in the model.
- Turn the element display back on for the shells component.
Step 3. Correct Connectivity Problems(步骤3。纠正连接问题)
In this step you will correct the shell element connectivity problems using the Edgespanel.
In the tolerance= field, type 0.01.
In the graphics area, select any element.
HyperMesh selects the component containingthe element you selected. -
Click preview equiv.
HyperMesh create a sphere on the nodes thathave a distance between each other that is equal to or less than the specifiedtolerance.
Note: The Status bar reads, “81 nodes werefound.” A sphere was not created on every node along all of the red, freeedges. To identify the rest of the nodes, you must specify a largertolerance. -
In the tolerance= field, increase the value until youhave identified all 96 nodes.
Note: Do not increase the tolerance too much. Although you will identify the 96nodes, an excessively large tolerance value may collapse elements when theidentified nodes are equivalenced.
Find the maximum tolerance value that you can safely use without collapsingthe elements by pressing F10 to go to the Check Elemspanel, 2d subpanel, and clicking length. The status bar reads “The min length is 1.49.” This messageindicates that you can safely use a tolerance value < 1.49, without causingany elements to collapse when identified nodes are equivalenced. Return to theEdges panel by clicking return.(意:不要增加太多的公差。虽然您将识别96个节点,但当识别的节点是等价的时,过大的容差值可能会使元素崩溃。
通过按F10到检查元素面板,2d子面板,点击长度,找到你可以安全地使用的最大公差值,而不折叠元素。状态栏显示“最小长度为1.49。”这条消息表明您可以安全地使用< 1.49的容差值,而不会导致任何元素在被识别的节点等价时崩溃。通过单击返回返回到边缘面板。)
5. Click equivalence.
HyperMesh equivalenced 96 coincidentnodes.
6. Rotate and observe the model to see that the mesh still looks as it should, andthat none of the elements are collapsed.
7. Click delete edges.
HyperMesh deletes the red, free edges andtheir component, ^edges.
Step 4. Review Free Edges(步骤4。检查自由边)
In this step you will review the model’s free edges again to confirm that all theshell element connectivity problems have been corrected.
You should still be in the Edges panel.
Click find edges.
HyperMesh creates a red, 1D element alongeach shell element edge that is free. -
Observe the red, 1D elements (free edges). Are there any red, free edges thatshould not belong if the mesh was continuous, or if all elements wereconnected?
Note: Red, free edges should only exist on the perimeter of the part and on theperiphery of the internal holes.
In the Model Browser, turn off the element display of theshells component.
Verify that all free, red edges belong in the model.
Click delete edges.
Turn the element display back on for the shells component.
Step 5. Display the Element Normals(第5步。显示元素法线)
In this step you will display the element normals and adjust them to point in thesame direction.
To open the Normals panel, do one of the following:
2.From the menu bar, click Mesh > Check > Elements > Normals.
On the Checks toolbar, click (Normals).
3.From the main menu, go to the Tool page then click normals.
4.Press Shift + F10. -
Go to the elements subpanel.
Set the toggle to vector display.
Set the top switch to comps.
In the graphics area, select any element.
HyperMesh selects the component containingthe element you selected. -
Click display.
HyperMesh draws vectors from the elementcentroids, which indicate the direction of the elemtn normals.
Note: The arrowsdo not all point from the same side of the part. For some analyses, theelement normals should point from the same side. -
In the size= field, type the size which the normal should be in modelunits.
Note: When size= is set to 0, the vector will be 10% ofthe screen.
- Click display.
- Toggle vector display to color display.
- Click display.
HyperMesh displays, on each side of thepart, the element normals using the colors red and blue.
ote: The red side ofthe elements is the positive normal direction, while the blue side is thenegative normal direction.(HyperMesh显示,在每一边的部分,元素法线使用颜色红和蓝。
注:元素的红色为正法线方向,蓝色为负法线方向。) - Under orientation, set the switch to elem. (在定向下,将开关设置为elem。)
- In the graphics area, select an element as indicated in the followingimage. (在图形区域,选择如下图所示的元素)
- Click adjust.
All elements on both sides of the part are the same color, red orblue.
Note: The status bar reads: “[X] elements havebeen adjusted.”
14.Optional: If after adjusting the normals there are still elements on one side of the partwhich are of different color, set the switch to elem under Orientation, selectthe elements that are of a different color, and then click reverse. (可选:如果调整法线后,零件的一侧仍有不同颜色的元素,在“朝向”下将开关设置为“elem”,选择不同颜色的元素,然后单击反向。) - Click return
Step 6. Review Element Quality(检查网格质量)
In this step you will review the quality of the elements using the check elemspanel.(在此步骤中,您将使用check元素面板检查元素的质量。)
To open the Check Elems panel, do one of the following:
。From the menu bar, click Mesh > Check > Elements > Check Elements.
。On the Checks toolbar, click (CheckElements).
。From the main menu, go to the Tool page thenclick check elems.
。Press F10. -
Go to the 2D subpanel.
Verify that the jacobian < field is set to 0.7.
Click jacobian.
HyperMesh highlights the elements that havea jacobian of less than 0.7 and the Status bar displays a message indicating howmany elements failed this check.
Note: There are several elements on thetriangular rib and around the smaller of the two holes that have a jacobianof less than 0.7.
In the graphics area, click an element.
A window appears that lists each quality check result for theelement. -
Close the pop-up window by right-clicking.
On the right side of the panel, switch from standard to assign plot.
Click jacobian.
A legend for jacobian values appears and each element is coloredaccordingly.
Note: Red elements have a jacobian less than the threshold of0.7.
9. Under quads, verify that the min angle< is set to 45.
10. Click min angle to determine if any quad elements havean angle of less than 45. (10. 单击最小角度以确定是否有任何四边形元素的角度小于45。)
Note: A couple of the elements on the rib have an angle of less than 45.(
- Under quads, verify that the max angle> field is set to 135. (在quads下,验证最大角度>字段设置为135。)
- Click max angle.
Note: Several elements on the rib have an angle greater than 135.(注意:肋骨上有几个元素的角度大于135。)
- Click return.
Step 7. Remesh Elements Using the AutoMesh Panel(步骤7。使用AutoMesh面板Remesh元素)
In this step you will remesh the elements on the rib using the AutoMesh panel.(在这一步中,您将使用AutoMesh面板重新网格肋骨上的元素。)
To open the AutoMesh panel, do one of thefollowing:
。From the menu bar, click Mesh > Create > 2D AutoMesh.
。From the main menu, go to the 2D page and click automesh.
。Press F12. -
Go to the size and bias subpanel. (转到大小和偏置子面板。)
Set the entity selector to elems.
At the bottom of the panel, set the toggle to interactive.
In the element size= field, type 3.5.
In the graphics area, select one rib element as indicated in the image thatfollows.
Select one element on the plane of elements perpendicular to the rib and in thesame plane as the rib’s shortest edge as indicated in the following image. (在垂直于肋骨的元素平面上选择一个元素,并与肋骨的最短边在同一平面上,如下图所示)
Complete your selection of elements by clicking elems >> by face.
Click mesh.
The meshing module opens. -
In the density subpanel, left-click on the rib’shypotenuse edge density number to increase it to 9 as indicated in the followingimage. (在密度子面板中,左键单击肋骨的斜边密度数,将其增加为9,如下图所示)
Left-click on the rib’s shortest edge density number to increase it to 5 asindicated in the following image. (左键点击肋骨的最短边缘密度数,将其增加到5)
Keep all other element edge densities the same.
Go to the mesh style subpanel.
Under mesh method, set the last option to free (unmapped).
Under mesh method, click setall.
Preview the mesh by clicking mesh.
(12. 保持所有其他元素的边缘密度相同。
。 转到网格样式子面板。
。 在网格方法下,设置最后一个选项为free (unmapped)。
。 在网格方法下,单击setall 。
。 通过点击mesh预览网格。)
- Go to the checks subpanel.
- Check the jacobian, quads: minangle, and quads: max angle.
Note: None of the elements failed the minimum and maximum angle checks, and onlya couple of the elements have a jacobian of less than 0.7. The smallestjacobian is 0.68, which can still be considered good quality.
- Accept the mesh and return to the main menu by clicking return.
Step 8. Adjust the Node Placement (调整节点位置)
In this step you will use the Smooth panel to adjust the nodeplacement on the rectangular plane of the remeshed elements.
Open the Smooth panel by clicking Mesh > Cleanup Elements > Smooth.
Go to the plates subpanel.
Activate the smooth: elems selector.
Select an element on the rectangular plane of the remeshed elements.
Click elems >> by face.
In the iterations= field, type 10.
Switch the smoothing algorithm from autodecide to shapecorrected.
Click smooth.
Click return.
Step 9. Remove Tria Elements(去除三角形网格)
In this step you will remove tria elements from another area of the model using theedit element panel, split and combine subpanels.(在这一步中,您将使用编辑元素面板,拆分和合并子面板从模型的另一个区域删除tria元素。)
- Go to the 2D page.
- Click edit element.
- Go to the split subpanel.
- Verify that the splitting line: points selector is active.
- Click the four screen points as indicated in the following image.
HyperMesh draws temporary line segments toconnect the points.
Note: Right-click to undo the last line segment drawn, orclick delete line to start over and reselectpoints.(HyperMesh绘制临时线段连接点。
Click split.
HyperMesh splits the elements that have aline passing through them.
Note: The resulting mesh should look like the mesh inthe following image, with two pairs of adjacent tria elements.(HyperMesh拆分有aline经过的元素。
注意:生成的网格应该看起来像下图中的网格,有两对相邻的三角元素。) -
Go to the combine subpanel.
Set the toggle to combine to quad.
Select the two adjacent tria elements as indicated in the followingimage.
Click combine.
HyperMesh combines the two tria elementsinto one quad element. -
Repeat Steps 11.9 and 11.10 to combine the other two tria elements into onequad element.
Click return.
Step 10. Modify and Optimize Element Quality(第10步。修改和优化网格质量)
In this step you will modify the washer radius and optimize element quality by usingCleanup tools.(在此步骤中,您将使用Cleanup工具修改Washer半径并优化网格质量。)
From the 2D page, click qualityindex.
Click cleanup tools.
Click modify hole & washers.
Clear the edit checkbox. (清除编辑复选框)
Select a node on the washer as indicated in the following image.
The radius field displays a value of 5.98. -
Select the edit checkbox.
In the radius field, type 7.
Select the link washers checkbox.
Select the remesh number of layers checkbox, and thentype 3 in the editable field.
Select a node on the washer as indicated in the previous image. The radiuschanges to 7.
Note: Because you selected the link washers checkbox, the hole’s radius willchange accordingly (approx. 4.68). Due to the change in the hole’s andwasher’s dimensions, elements around the washer will be distorted and willfail in quality. You can correct all of the failed elements in the modelusing the node optimize and element optimize cleanup tools.(注意:因为你选择了链接垫圈复选框,孔的半径将相应地改变(约。4.68)。由于孔和垫圈尺寸的变化,垫圈周围的网格会变形,质量会下降。您可以使用节点优化和元素优化清理工具来纠正模型中所有失败的元素。)
- Click node optimize.
- Select a few nodes on the elements that you modified in Step 9.
When you select a node, HyperMeshrepositions it so that the elements attached to the node will have the bestpossible quality based on the criteria specified in the Quality Indexpanel.(11. 单击节点优化。
。 在步骤9中修改的元素上选择几个节点 。
当您选择一个节点时,hypermesh将重新定位它,以便附加到该节点的元素将具有基于quality Indexpanel中指定的标准的最佳质量。)
Click element optimize.
Select the red and yellow elements in the model.
When you select an element, HyperMeshadjusts it to have the best quality possible based on the criteria specified inthe Quality Index panel.(选择模型中的红色和黄色元素。当您选择一个元素时,hypermeshad只是基于质量指数面板中指定的标准,使其具有最好的质量。) -
Click drag tria element.
Note: Use the drag tria element tool to drag a tria element toward a differentlocation in the model, or out of the model completely.(注意:使用拖动triia element工具将triia元素拖到模型中的不同位置,或者完全拖出模型。)
Left-click on a tria element and drag it toward the bottom edge of the modeluntil it is out of the model completely.
HyperMesh highlights the selected triaelement in pink. -
Click return.
Step 11. Add Radial Elements(步骤11。添加圆形网格)
In this step you will add a ring of radial elements around the smaller of the twoholes.(在这一步中,你将添加一个环的径向网格围绕较小的两个孔。)
Open the Utility tab by clicking View > Browsers > HyperMesh > Utility from the menu bar.
Click Geom/Mesh.
Click Add Washer.
In the Add Washer along Circular Holes dialog,double-click Nodes.
Select one of the nodes on the edge of the smaller hole as indicated in thefollowing image.
Click proceed. HyperMeshselects nodes around the hole.
Under Selection, set the toggle to Width.
Under Value, type 3.0.
Select the Minimum number of nodes around the holecheckbox.
In the Density field, type 12.
Click Add.
HyperMesh creates a washer around thehole. -
Click Close.
Step 12. Imprint Mesh(压印网格划分)
In this step you will imprint the mesh to different destinations.(在这一步中,你将把网格印到不同的目的地。)
- In the Model Browser, Component folder, right-click on IMPRINT1 and select Show fromthe context menu.
- Go to the 2D page.
- Click mesh edit.
- Go to the imprint subpanel.
Note: Use the imprint subpanel to sync or line updifferent, overlapping component’s meshes in order to facilitate a betterconnection modeling between the components.(转到印记子面板。
- Verify that the source selector is set to comps, andthen select the IMPRINT1 component.
- Verify that the destination selector is set to comps,and then select the shells component.
- From the remain drop-down list, select destination.
Note: This option takes existing elements/components that can be imprinted intodestination elements/components, and changes their direction anddestination.
8. Clear the elems to destination comp checkbox.
9. Click create.
10. Click reject.
11. Repeat Steps 12.5 and 12.6 to select the IMPRINT1 component as the source andthe shells component as the destination.
12. From the remain drop-down list, select destination.
13. Select the elems to destination comp checkbox.
Click reject.
Repeat Steps 12.5 and 12.6 to select the IMPRINT1 component as the source andthe shells component as the destination.
From the remain drop-down list, select source.
Select the elems to destination comp checkbox.
Click create.
Click reject.
Click return.
Step 13. Extend the Mesh (步骤13。扩展网格划分)
In this step you will extend the mesh to different destinations.(在这一步中,您将扩展网格到不同的目的地。)
- In the Model Browser, Component folder, right-click on IMPRINT1 and select Hide fromthe context menu.
- Right-click on the EXTEND component and select Show from the context menu.
- From the 2D page, click mesh edit.
- Go to the extend subpanel.
Note: Use the extend subpanel to create smoothly-meshed connections betweendifferent components that do not quite touch, but are meant to. Mesh can beimprinted such that both components are remeshed to match, or the sourcecomponent is remeshed to match the destination component, and vice-versa. Inaddition, you can merge the elements of the source component into thedestination component.(注意:使用extend子面板在不同的组件之间创建平滑的连接,这些组件之间不完全接触,但应该是接触的。可以对网格进行标记,以便两个组件都重新网格以匹配,或者源组件重新网格以匹配目标组件,反之亦然。此外,您可以将源组件的元素合并到目标组件中。)
Click source: nodes >> by path.
On the EXTEND component, select the source nodes indicated in the followingimage.
Verify that the destination selector is set to comps, and then select the shells component.
From the projection list, select along vector.
Activate the N1 selector.
Select N1 and N2 to define thedirection, as indicated in the following image.
Clear the remesh extension checkbox.
Click create.
HyperMesh connects the two parts with oneelement along the projection because the remesh extension checkbox wascleared. -
Click reject.
Repeat Steps 13.5 and 13.11 but select the remeshextension checkbox.
Click create.
HyperMesh connects the two parts withremeshed elements along the projection because the remesh extension option wasselected.
Step 14. Save Your Work
In this optional step you will save your work.
Optional: From the menu bar, click File > Save > Model.
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