

I have no permission on sudo or update Security&Privacy Setting. Below are my step:

  • Downloaded needed version 6.7.1.

  • chmod +x fly

  • mv fly ~/bin

  • export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

  • source ~/.zshrc

  • xattr -d ~/bin/fly

"fly --version" shows correct version. But I can't connect to server. I can access server in browser!

fly -t main login --concourse-url '' --team-name 'my-team'

logging in to team 'my-team'

could not reach the Concourse server called main:

    Get ,com/api/v1/info: dial tcp: i/o timeout

is the targeted Concourse running? better go catch it lol

I tried another way:

brew install --cask fly
xattr -d /opt/homebrew/bin/fly

It gets the latest version and prompts for login, and I was able to login. But it gives error:

fly version (7.12.0) is out of sync with the target (6.7.1). to sync up, run the following:

    fly -t main sync

I ignored the warning and run the command, it refused to connect

cowardly refusing to run due to significant version discrepancy

So I run "fly -t main sync" to sync with server vision 6.7.1

Then I got this lol message again!

could not reach the Concourse server called main:

    Get ,com/api/v1/info: dial tcp: i/o timeout

is the targeted Concourse running? better go catch it lol

Please suggest. Thanks!
