I am trying to generate this Soap XML:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:bsvc="urn:com.workday/bsvc" xmlns:wsse=".0.xsd" xmlns:soapenv="/">
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:Password Type=".0#PasswordText">Password1</wsse:Password>
<bsvc:Get_Customers_Request bsvc:version="v42.0">
<bsvc:Customer_Reference bsvc:Descriptor="?">
<bsvc:ID bsvc:type="Customer_ID">100001</bsvc:ID>
But I am getting this XML using my code Below:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:bsvc="urn:com.workday/bsvc" xmlns:wsse=".0.xsd" xmlns:soapenv="/">
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken Type=".0#PasswordText">
<bsvc:Get_Customers_Request version="v42.0">
<bsvc:Customer_Reference Descriptor="?">
<bsvc:ID type="Customer_ID">100001</bsvc:ID>
This is the C# Code I have:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace WorkDayAPI
[XmlRoot("Envelope", Namespace = "/")]
public class Envelope
public Header Header { get; set; }
public Body Body { get; set; }
public class Header
[XmlElement("Security", Namespace = ".0.xsd")]
public Security Security { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Workday_Common_Header", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public WorkdayCommonHeader WorkdayCommonHeader { get; set; }
public class Security
[XmlAttribute("mustUnderstand", Namespace = "/")]
public string MustUnderstand { get; set; }
[XmlElement("UsernameToken", Namespace = ".0.xsd")]
public UsernameToken UsernameToken { get; set; }
public class UsernameToken
public string Username { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Password", Namespace = ".0.xsd")]
public string Password { get; set; }
public string PasswordType { get; set; }
public class WorkdayCommonHeader
[XmlElement("Include_Reference_Descriptors_In_Response", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeReferenceDescriptorsInResponse { get; set; }
public class Body
[XmlElement("Get_Customers_Request", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public GetCustomersRequest GetCustomersRequest { get; set; }
public class GetCustomersRequest
[XmlElement("Request_References", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public RequestReferences RequestReferences { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute("version", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string Version { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Response_Group", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public ResponseGroup ResponseGroup { get; set; }
public class RequestReferences
[XmlElement("Customer_Reference", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public CustomerReference CustomerReference { get; set; }
public class CustomerReference
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "Descriptor", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string Descriptor { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "ID")]
public CustomerData CustomerData { get; set; }
[XmlType(Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public class CustomerData
public string ID { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "type", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string Type { get; set; }
public class ResponseGroup
[XmlElement("Include_Reference", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeReference { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Include_Customer_Data", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeCustomerData { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Include_Customer_Balance", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeCustomerBalance { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Include_Customer_Activity_Detail", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeCustomerActivityDetail { get; set; }
This is how I am setting Namespaces and Assigning Values:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using WorkDayAPI.Input;
namespace WorkDayAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static void GenerateSoapXmlRequest()
// Create the request object and populate it with values
var soapRequest = new Envelope
Header = new Header
Security = new Security
MustUnderstand = "1",
UsernameToken = new UsernameToken
Username = "TestUser02",
Password = "Password1",
PasswordType = ".0#PasswordText"
WorkdayCommonHeader = new WorkdayCommonHeader
IncludeReferenceDescriptorsInResponse = "1"
Body = new Body
GetCustomersRequest = new GetCustomersRequest
Version = "v42.0",
RequestReferences = new RequestReferences
CustomerReference = new CustomerReference
Descriptor = "?",
CustomerData = new CustomerData
Type = "Customer_ID",
ID = "100001"
ResponseGroup = new ResponseGroup
IncludeReference = "0",
IncludeCustomerData = "0",
IncludeCustomerBalance = "1",
IncludeCustomerActivityDetail = "0"
// Prepare the namespaces with appropriate prefixes
var namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
namespaces.Add("soapenv", "/");
namespaces.Add("bsvc", "urn:com.workday/bsvc");
namespaces.Add("wsse", ".0.xsd");
// Create an XmlSerializer instance for the Envelope class
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Envelope));
// Create a StringWriter to hold the serialized XML
using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
// Create an XmlWriterSettings object to control XML formatting
var xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
Indent = true,
OmitXmlDeclaration = true
// Create an XmlWriter with the settings and namespaces
using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, xmlSettings))
// Serialize the object to XML, passing the namespaces
serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, soapRequest, namespaces);
// Get the generated XML as a string
string soapXml = stringWriter.ToString();
// Print the serialized XML to the console
// Optionally, save the XML to a file
File.WriteAllText("SoapRequest.xml", soapXml);
How to Fix that Type Attribute in the password?
How to set the Namespace of bsvc in the Body Attribute?
Here is the Comparison Difference between Required XML vs generated XML:
ComparisonPic:[![enter image description here][1]][1]
I am trying to generate this Soap XML:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:bsvc="urn:com.workday/bsvc" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/">
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">Password1</wsse:Password>
<bsvc:Get_Customers_Request bsvc:version="v42.0">
<bsvc:Customer_Reference bsvc:Descriptor="?">
<bsvc:ID bsvc:type="Customer_ID">100001</bsvc:ID>
But I am getting this XML using my code Below:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:bsvc="urn:com.workday/bsvc" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/">
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken Type="http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">
<bsvc:Get_Customers_Request version="v42.0">
<bsvc:Customer_Reference Descriptor="?">
<bsvc:ID type="Customer_ID">100001</bsvc:ID>
This is the C# Code I have:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace WorkDayAPI
[XmlRoot("Envelope", Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/")]
public class Envelope
public Header Header { get; set; }
public Body Body { get; set; }
public class Header
[XmlElement("Security", Namespace = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd")]
public Security Security { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Workday_Common_Header", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public WorkdayCommonHeader WorkdayCommonHeader { get; set; }
public class Security
[XmlAttribute("mustUnderstand", Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/")]
public string MustUnderstand { get; set; }
[XmlElement("UsernameToken", Namespace = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd")]
public UsernameToken UsernameToken { get; set; }
public class UsernameToken
public string Username { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Password", Namespace = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd")]
public string Password { get; set; }
public string PasswordType { get; set; }
public class WorkdayCommonHeader
[XmlElement("Include_Reference_Descriptors_In_Response", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeReferenceDescriptorsInResponse { get; set; }
public class Body
[XmlElement("Get_Customers_Request", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public GetCustomersRequest GetCustomersRequest { get; set; }
public class GetCustomersRequest
[XmlElement("Request_References", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public RequestReferences RequestReferences { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute("version", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string Version { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Response_Group", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public ResponseGroup ResponseGroup { get; set; }
public class RequestReferences
[XmlElement("Customer_Reference", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public CustomerReference CustomerReference { get; set; }
public class CustomerReference
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "Descriptor", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string Descriptor { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "ID")]
public CustomerData CustomerData { get; set; }
[XmlType(Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public class CustomerData
public string ID { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "type", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string Type { get; set; }
public class ResponseGroup
[XmlElement("Include_Reference", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeReference { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Include_Customer_Data", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeCustomerData { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Include_Customer_Balance", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeCustomerBalance { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Include_Customer_Activity_Detail", Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public string IncludeCustomerActivityDetail { get; set; }
This is how I am setting Namespaces and Assigning Values:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using WorkDayAPI.Input;
namespace WorkDayAPI
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static void GenerateSoapXmlRequest()
// Create the request object and populate it with values
var soapRequest = new Envelope
Header = new Header
Security = new Security
MustUnderstand = "1",
UsernameToken = new UsernameToken
Username = "TestUser02",
Password = "Password1",
PasswordType = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText"
WorkdayCommonHeader = new WorkdayCommonHeader
IncludeReferenceDescriptorsInResponse = "1"
Body = new Body
GetCustomersRequest = new GetCustomersRequest
Version = "v42.0",
RequestReferences = new RequestReferences
CustomerReference = new CustomerReference
Descriptor = "?",
CustomerData = new CustomerData
Type = "Customer_ID",
ID = "100001"
ResponseGroup = new ResponseGroup
IncludeReference = "0",
IncludeCustomerData = "0",
IncludeCustomerBalance = "1",
IncludeCustomerActivityDetail = "0"
// Prepare the namespaces with appropriate prefixes
var namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
namespaces.Add("soapenv", "http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/");
namespaces.Add("bsvc", "urn:com.workday/bsvc");
namespaces.Add("wsse", "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd");
// Create an XmlSerializer instance for the Envelope class
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Envelope));
// Create a StringWriter to hold the serialized XML
using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
// Create an XmlWriterSettings object to control XML formatting
var xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
Indent = true,
OmitXmlDeclaration = true
// Create an XmlWriter with the settings and namespaces
using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, xmlSettings))
// Serialize the object to XML, passing the namespaces
serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, soapRequest, namespaces);
// Get the generated XML as a string
string soapXml = stringWriter.ToString();
// Print the serialized XML to the console
// Optionally, save the XML to a file
File.WriteAllText("SoapRequest.xml", soapXml);
How to Fix that Type Attribute in the password?
How to set the Namespace of bsvc in the Body Attribute?
Here is the Comparison Difference between Required XML vs generated XML:
ComparisonPic:[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Improve this question
asked Nov 20, 2024 at 3:55
112 bronze badges
- Create a class for password that replicates the exact same logic as class CustomerData. – It all makes cents Commented Nov 20, 2024 at 5:21
2 Answers
Reset to default 0First problem is solved by Making password as XMLText and PasswordType as XMLAttribute inside Password Class, then it geenrated XML correctly. Still not getting Namespace of BSVC Inside Body Attributes:
public class UsernameToken
public string Username { get; set; }
public PasswordData Password { get; set; }
public class PasswordData
public string Password { get; set; }
public string PasswordType { get; set; }
Are you using Visual Studio? If so you can Generate Class From JSON or XML in Visual Studio .
To create the classes from XML do the following:
Open Visual Studio
Create new Project (File => New Project => ...)
Create new class (Project => Add Class...) name: Envelope.cs
Highlight the XML, right-click, and select Copy
In VS menu, click Edit
Select Paste special
Select Paste XML As Classes
You'll get the following:
// NOTE: Generated code may require at least .NET Framework 4.5 or .NET Core/Standard 2.0.
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/", IsNullable = false)]
public partial class Envelope
private EnvelopeHeader headerField;
private EnvelopeBody bodyField;
/// <remarks/>
public EnvelopeHeader Header
return this.headerField;
this.headerField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public EnvelopeBody Body
return this.bodyField;
this.bodyField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/")]
public partial class EnvelopeHeader
private Security securityField;
private Workday_Common_Header workday_Common_HeaderField;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Namespace = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" +
public Security Security
return this.securityField;
this.securityField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public Workday_Common_Header Workday_Common_Header
return this.workday_Common_HeaderField;
this.workday_Common_HeaderField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" +
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" +
"", IsNullable = false)]
public partial class Security
private SecurityUsernameToken usernameTokenField;
private byte mustUnderstandField;
/// <remarks/>
public SecurityUsernameToken UsernameToken
return this.usernameTokenField;
this.usernameTokenField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute(Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Qualified, Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/")]
public byte mustUnderstand
return this.mustUnderstandField;
this.mustUnderstandField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" +
public partial class SecurityUsernameToken
private string usernameField;
private SecurityUsernameTokenPassword passwordField;
/// <remarks/>
public string Username
return this.usernameField;
this.usernameField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public SecurityUsernameTokenPassword Password
return this.passwordField;
this.passwordField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" +
public partial class SecurityUsernameTokenPassword
private string typeField;
private string valueField;
/// <remarks/>
public string Type
return this.typeField;
this.typeField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public string Value
return this.valueField;
this.valueField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc", IsNullable = false)]
public partial class Workday_Common_Header
private byte include_Reference_Descriptors_In_ResponseField;
/// <remarks/>
public byte Include_Reference_Descriptors_In_Response
return this.include_Reference_Descriptors_In_ResponseField;
this.include_Reference_Descriptors_In_ResponseField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap./soap/envelope/")]
public partial class EnvelopeBody
private Get_Customers_Request get_Customers_RequestField;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public Get_Customers_Request Get_Customers_Request
return this.get_Customers_RequestField;
this.get_Customers_RequestField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc", IsNullable = false)]
public partial class Get_Customers_Request
private Get_Customers_RequestRequest_References request_ReferencesField;
private Get_Customers_RequestResponse_Group response_GroupField;
private string versionField;
/// <remarks/>
public Get_Customers_RequestRequest_References Request_References
return this.request_ReferencesField;
this.request_ReferencesField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public Get_Customers_RequestResponse_Group Response_Group
return this.response_GroupField;
this.response_GroupField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute(Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Qualified)]
public string version
return this.versionField;
this.versionField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public partial class Get_Customers_RequestRequest_References
private Get_Customers_RequestRequest_ReferencesCustomer_Reference customer_ReferenceField;
/// <remarks/>
public Get_Customers_RequestRequest_ReferencesCustomer_Reference Customer_Reference
return this.customer_ReferenceField;
this.customer_ReferenceField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public partial class Get_Customers_RequestRequest_ReferencesCustomer_Reference
private Get_Customers_RequestRequest_ReferencesCustomer_ReferenceID idField;
private string descriptorField;
/// <remarks/>
public Get_Customers_RequestRequest_ReferencesCustomer_ReferenceID ID
return this.idField;
this.idField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute(Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Qualified)]
public string Descriptor
return this.descriptorField;
this.descriptorField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public partial class Get_Customers_RequestRequest_ReferencesCustomer_ReferenceID
private string typeField;
private uint valueField;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute(Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Qualified)]
public string type
return this.typeField;
this.typeField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public uint Value
return this.valueField;
this.valueField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "urn:com.workday/bsvc")]
public partial class Get_Customers_RequestResponse_Group
private byte include_ReferenceField;
private byte include_Customer_DataField;
private byte include_Customer_BalanceField;
private byte include_Customer_Activity_DetailField;
/// <remarks/>
public byte Include_Reference
return this.include_ReferenceField;
this.include_ReferenceField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public byte Include_Customer_Data
return this.include_Customer_DataField;
this.include_Customer_DataField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public byte Include_Customer_Balance
return this.include_Customer_BalanceField;
this.include_Customer_BalanceField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public byte Include_Customer_Activity_Detail
return this.include_Customer_Activity_DetailField;
this.include_Customer_Activity_DetailField = value;
// Create the request object and populate it with values
var soapRequest = new Envelope()
Body = new EnvelopeBody()
Get_Customers_Request = new Get_Customers_Request()
Request_References = new Get_Customers_RequestRequest_References()
Customer_Reference = new Get_Customers_RequestRequest_ReferencesCustomer_Reference()
Descriptor = "?",
ID = new Get_Customers_RequestRequest_ReferencesCustomer_ReferenceID()
type = "Customer_ID",
Value = 100001
Response_Group = new Get_Customers_RequestResponse_Group()
Include_Customer_Activity_Detail = 0,
Include_Customer_Balance = 1,
Include_Customer_Data = 0,
Include_Reference = 0
version = "v42.0"
Header = new EnvelopeHeader()
Security = new Security()
mustUnderstand = 1,
UsernameToken = new SecurityUsernameToken()
Username = "TestUser02",
Password = new SecurityUsernameTokenPassword()
Type = "http://docs.oasis-open./wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText",
Value = "Password1"
If you're interested in learning how to create the classes yourself , some of my other posts show how to do it.
Additional Resources:
- Serialization Ordering
版权声明:本文标题 - C#.NET XML Serialization: XMLAttribute is not setting NameSpace and only Password Element within UserName Object is ha 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。