theme development - Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in helpers.php file
So I'm getting the following error Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in libhelpers.php on line 34So line 34 i
child theme automatically adds new page to top menu instead of only custom menu
In my child theme I have top navigation and custom navigation (archive menu). When I add new page to archive menu, same
javascript - Error in Entry module not found and in webpack - Stack Overflow
I'm new to JavaScript and follow a clear node-tutorial on Github. But whatever I've tried in
multisite - ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress
when you change domain or hosting or installation folder ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. Y
angular - HttpContextToken always false while using HttpInterceptorFn - Stack Overflow
I am implementing a loading spinner that runs for all my http requests via an HttpInterceptorFn using t
customization - "woocommerce_form_field()" function having issues after latest woocommerce update
Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.Your question should be specific to WordPress.
javascript - return value from puppeteer page.evaluate() - Stack Overflow
So, I have a function that returning page that needed by next function:async function browser(){const b
javascript - google charts HTML annotations - Stack Overflow
With Google Charts, it is possible to have text annotations. I however require an image to be displayed
javascript - How to remove particular class name from an selected element in VueJs? - Stack Overflow
This is what my vuejs methods looks like. Here in the changeRoute function I can change class name by e
themes - Weird post pagination url redirect
I have this example link: uncategorizedhello-worldIf I put 1 page break on the post content, redirects are as follow
My Deno REPL program lacks interactiveness - Stack Overflow
I am attempting to create a Deno REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop).The code I have so far only functions
ajax - How do I get Gmail contacts using JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
What is the Ajax call that I should make to get gmail contacts using JavaScript? I already have the use
plugins - Python in Wordpress - A "Hello World" implementation
I've read this question (and many more web pages) in order to figure out how to run a simple python script via a Wo
javascript - Dynamic import() file in JS - Stack Overflow
I need to import markup file dynamically slice part of file and add result to variable and render resul
winapi - Accessing restricted Windows registry keys in C# - Stack Overflow
I am working on C# code that accesses the Windows registry for USB related information, mainly USBSTOR.