

I am creating a demo app using azure static web app and testing it Live, the app works locally, but there are some challenges testing it with static web app Live (HTTPS).

I am trying to upload a audio file to azure function v4 (javascript & typescript) to a temporary directory so it can be uploaded to OpenAi.

I am getting an error "illegal operation on a directory, open 'C:\local\Temp\test.webm'".

Here is the log from the error in Azure Function app.

I have read the following resource to get information about uploading to a temp directory but it doenst work as expected.

I hope to get a clear understanding to upload a audio file to a temp directory in Azure function V4 (NOT V3)

kind regards


import { createReadStream, createWriteStream, unlinkSync, existsSync } from "fs";
import { readFile, stat, mkdir, unlink } from "fs/promises";
import { Writable } from 'stream';
import { join } from "path";
import { tmpdir } from "os";
const path = tmpdir();
const saveTo = join(path, "audio.webm");

async function writeAudioFile(request: HttpRequest) {
    try {
        console.log("testing function app");
        console.log({path: saveTo});
        const bodyPipe = request.body;

        try {
            // This is for checking the directory is exist
            console.log("checking ");
            // await stat(path);
            await stat(path);
        } catch (e: any) {
            if (e.code === "ENOENT") {
                console.log({error_while_checking: e});
                // If the directory doesn't exist (ENOENT : Error No Entry), create one
                await mkdir(path, { recursive: true });
            } else {
                "Error while trying to create directory when uploading a file\n",
                return  "Something went wrong.";
        const busboyHeader: IncomingHttpHeaders = readHeader(request, 'content-type');
        const bb: busboy.Busboy = busboy.default({ headers: busboyHeader });
        console.log({temp_directory: saveTo});

        const writeStream = createWriteStream(saveTo);
        bb.on('file', (
            fieldname: string,
            file: NodeJS.ReadableStream,
            filename: string,
            encoding: string,
            mimetype: string) => {

            if(typeof filename === 'object' ) console.log({filename: filename});

            file.on("data", (chunk) => {
                if(typeof chunk === 'object') writeStream.write(chunk);

        bb.on('close', () => {
            console.log("end streamin audio file");

        if (bodyPipe && typeof bodyPipe === "object") {
            return await bodyPipe.pipeTo(Writable.toWeb(bb));
        } else {
            new Error("bodyPipe is null");
    } catch (e){
            console.error("Error while piping a file\n", e);
            return new HttpResponse({body: JSON.stringify({"error": "Something went wrong while piping audio file."})});

export async function voiceTranscriptTrigger(request: HttpRequest, context: InvocationContext): Promise<HttpResponseInit> {

        const data = readFile(saveTo);
        const length = (await data).byteLength;

        const fileExist = existsSync(saveTo);
        // console.log('Success audio parsing:', length);
        if(typeof data === 'object' && fileExist && length ){   
            // console.log({god_data: data});
            const client = getClient();
            const result = await{
                model: "", // ssm-siri-assistent-35-turbo / gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
                file: createReadStream(saveTo),

            // console.log({final: result});
            const test: HttpResponseInit = {
                status: 200,
                body : JSON.stringify({transcript : result.text })
            return test;
            // return new HttpResponse(test);
        } else {
            throw {body: "Failed reading audio data"};
    } catch (e) {
        console.error("Error while trying to upload a file\n", e);
        const test: HttpResponseInit = {
            status: 500,
            body: JSON.stringify({"error": e})

        return test;
        // return new HttpResponse({body: JSON.stringify({"error": "Something went wrong."})});

== Azure functio app Log failed uploading audio file ==

After "end streamin audio file" it shows if. there is a file found and what the length/size if of the file. Currently for some reason its always zero, I dont have this issue when testing it locally

2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   ==> before checking request boundray: <==
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   testing function app
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   { path: 'C:\\local\\Temp\\audio.webm' }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   upload path exist, and ready for upload
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   { contentType: [Function: values] }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   {
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]     new_header: {
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]       'content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryDN26QARY4W5gjHRl'
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]     }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   { temp_directory: 'C:\\local\\Temp\\audio.webm' }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   {
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]     filename: { filename: 'audio.webm', encoding: '7bit', mimeType: 'audio/webm' }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   end streamin audio file
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   Success audio parsing: 0
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   {
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]     fileExist: true,
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]     got_data: Promise { <Buffer > },
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]     audio_obj: true,
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]     length: 0
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Error]   Error while trying to upload a file
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Error]    { body: 'Failed reading audio data' }
2025-02-04T11:39:01Z   [Information]   Executed 'Functions.voiceTranscriptTrigger' (Succeeded, Id=1f4e545d-c122-4615-909d-3d3208663901, Duration=170ms)
2025-02-04T11:39:08Z   [Verbose]   AuthenticationScheme: ArmToken was not authenticated.
2025-02-04T11:39:08Z   [Verbose]   AuthenticationScheme: WebJobsAuthLevel was not authenticated.
2025-02-04T11:39:08Z   [Verbose]   Successfully validated the token.
2025-02-04T11:39:08Z   [Verbose]   AuthenticationScheme: Bearer was successfully authenticated.
2025-02-04T11:39:08Z   [Verbose]   Authorization was successful.
2025-02-04T11:39:08Z   [Verbose]   Authorization was successful.
