

I'm new to Go and I'm a bit confused about the different ways to declare container variables. Specifically, I want to declare a list, and I found three different approaches:

  1. var l1 list.List

  2. l2 := list.New()

  3. l3 := new(list.List)

Here's a simple example demonstrating these declarations:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var l1 list.List // direct declaration
    l2 := list.New() // using .New()
    l3 := new(list.List) // using new()

    fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(l1)) // list.List
    fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(l2)) // *list.List
    fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(l3)) // *list.List

I noticed that the latter two declarations (l2 and l3) result in variables of type *list.List, while the first one (l1) is of type list.List.

I noticed a related question that discusses the difference between v := &Vector{} and v := new(Vector). While that question is helpful, it doesn't address the specific case of declaring the difference between direct declaration and .New() (var l1 list.List l2 := list.New()) and the rest method.

Could someone explain:

  1. The differences between these three approaches in the context?

  2. When should I use each one, and what are the implications of using one over the other?
