

I have a staging site which is originally a clone of the live site. On a staging site, I made some changes such as creating new pages, installing new plugins, adding new medias etc.

Meanwhile the live version has been changed by a client as well. New pages are added, new plugins are added, new users, new orders, new subscribers...

Now I want to know the best practice of how to push the staging site to live site in a case like this.

It's a multilingual woocommerce website. so as the WPML plugin team suggested, I've purchased import/export plugins(/) so that I can import the newly added data on live site into the staging site.

Unfortunately I found I cannot import data with a few clicks. I gotta map every single field (bunch of fields) one bye one extra carefully, plus I gotta do the same thing for all languages.

We have gravity forms and I just found out I need another paid plugin to import all the entries in gravity form.

Now it makes me wonder if my approach is really right.

I mean, is this supposed to be so complicated and cost this much?

What I'm trying to do is make everything except for the changes I made identical with the live site. And after that, I wanna migrate the staging site to live site.

But there's no way for me to know every single change they've mede on a live site and I don't think they remember either.

They may have changed some small settings on one plugin, I never know.

In this case, I wonder if I should rather import the pages I made and plugins I added on a staging site into the live site while shutting down the live site.

I've read thru many articles about it, and I'm trying to follow the way wpml plugin team suggested, but still I wonder if this is really a right way in my case.

I prefer not to touch the database cuz I'm not very used to it and can mess things up.

If there's anyone who experienced this, could you please give me some advice?

How would you handle in a case like this?

Thank you,
