

I have a hidden file input with display: none in a form. Another button triggers a click event on the file input ref, which opens the browser's file selection dialog. Then I have an onChange event that handles the file processing after the user clicks Open/Submit on the browser's dialog.

The issue is that when the browser's dialog closes, a label then pops up under the cursor that says "Attach Media". I don't know where this is coming from. I can click on my screen to stop the label appearing, but when I do this programmatically, it still appears and I don't know why. I have tried dispatching click events to a few different areas of the page after a timeout. I have also tried blurring the input, disabling drag events on the input, and resetting the input's file value, as well as a combination of all of these. I have also tried hiding the input in a few different ways, and assigning a new key to the input element after file selection.

The only way I can stop it appearing is with manual input but I don't understand why. Here's an example of code that I have tried. If I click anywhere on this element after the dialog closes, the label doesn't appear, but this programmatic click event doesn't work for some reason.

setTimeout(() => {
  const modalElement = document.getElementById('upload-modal')
  modalElement.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }))
}, 0)
