

I am using GEE to pull habitat covariates for an occupancy model for 1600m reaches of streams. In arcGIS pro I made a polygon shapefile that has all of my streams broken down into 1600m stretches and buffered making a layer with ~60,000 polygons. I then exported this as a shapefile and when I upload to GEE as an asset, GEE is changing some of the polygons to GeometryCollections, Multipolygons, and Linestrings. Majority are remaining Polygons but I am struggling with the features that are being changed because I need to export as a shapeile again so I can spatially join my occurance data.

Any advice on why this is happening and how I can fix it so all my features upload into GEE as a polygon?

I've tried checking my shapefile in ArcGIS pro to make sure the crs was correct and that all my features were polygons.

I also tried exporting as a csv then moving to R to sort out the weird geometries but I would prefer to address this at the source versus post-hoc so I don't end up loosing data. I have ~60,000 polygons so it is hard for me to manually confirm every single geometry.
