I have a project for a formation, I must create a neural network from scratch. My doesn't converge and I don't now why.
Here is the code :
import random
import numpy as np
import math
import joblib
class connection:
def __init__(self, weight, neurin, neurout):
self.weight = weight
self.neurin = neurin # neurone de départ
self.neurout = neurout # neurone d'arrivée
self.valout = 0 # stocke la valeur de sortie
# fait en sorte que les neurones contiennent leurs connexions
def getout(self, val):
self.valout = val * self.weight
# Clipping de la valeur pour éviter des overflow
#self.valout = np.clip(self.valout, -1e6, 1e6) # Limiter les sorties extrêmes
def updt(self, delta, rate, weight_clip=1):
# Calcul de l'update de poids
nd = delta * self.neurin.sigy # Gradient local
self.neurin.backprop(nd, self.weight, rate) # Propagation vers les entrées
# Mise à jour du poids avec clipping
self.weight -= rate * nd
#self.weight = np.clip(self.weight, -weight_clip, weight_clip) # Clipping des poids
class neurone:
def __init__(self, act, lamb, bias):
self.connectin = [] # connexions entrantes
self.connectout = [] # connexions sortantes
self.bias = bias
self.lamb = lamb
self.act = act # fonction d'activation
self.sig = [] # accumulation des signaux d'entrée
self.sigy = 0
self.nsig = 0
self.deltaback = 0
def inisignal(self, signal):
# Passe le signal dans la fonction d'activation
sign = self.act(signal, self.bias, self.lamb)
for c in self.connectout:
self.sigy = sign
def signal(self, signal):
if len(self.sig) == len(self.connectin): # Tous les signaux d'entrée sont reçus
total_signal = sum(self.sig)
self.sig = []
self.nsig = total_signal
def inibackprop(self, err, rate):
De = self.act(self.nsig, self.bias, self.lamb, 1) * err
self.deltaback = De
# Mise à jour du biais
self.bias -= rate * De # Mise à jour du biais avec gradient
for c in self.connectin:
c.updt(De, rate)
def backprop(self, delta, w, rate):
self.sig.append(delta * w)
if len(self.sig) == len(self.connectout): # Tous les deltas sont reçus
total_error = sum(self.sig)
self.sig = []
self.inibackprop(total_error, rate)
class layered_network:
def __init__(self, nb_in, nb_out, nb_hidden, nb_perhidden, maxlamb, maxbias, maxstreigh, fonctex, foncthid):
self.layers = []
# Initialisation des couches d'entrée
In = [neurone(fonctex, random.uniform(0.1, maxlamb), random.uniform(0.1, maxbias)) for _ in range(nb_in)]
# Initialisation des couches cachées
for _ in range(nb_hidden):
hidden_layer = [neurone(foncthid, random.uniform(0.1, maxlamb), random.uniform(0.1, maxbias))
for _ in range(nb_perhidden)]
# Initialisation des couches de sortie
Out = [neurone(fonctex, random.uniform(0.1, maxlamb), random.uniform(0.1, maxbias)) for _ in range(nb_out)]
# Création des connexions entre les couches
for i in range(len(self.layers) - 1):
L1, L2 = self.layers[i], self.layers[i + 1]
for n1 in L1:
for n2 in L2:
C = connection(random.uniform(-maxstreigh, maxstreigh), n1, n2)
def getoutput(self, Input):
for i, val in enumerate(Input):
return [n.sigy for n in self.layers[-1]]
def onelearn(self, Input, expected, rate):
output = self.getoutput(Input)
dif = np.array(output) - np.array(expected)
for i, n in enumerate(self.layers[-1]):
n.inibackprop(dif[i], rate)
def multilearn(self, Input, expected, rate):
for i, I in enumerate(Input):
self.onelearn(I, expected[i], rate)
def cyclelearn(self, Input, expected, rate, nb):
for i in range(nb):
# Décroissant cosinusoïdal
self.multilearn(Input, expected, rate*abs(i/30))
def moyError(self, Input, expected):
R = []
for i in range(len(Input)):
output = self.getoutput(Input[i])
err = np.average(np.abs(np.array(output) - np.array(expected[i])))
return np.average(R)
def save(self, dir):
saveobject(dir, self.layers)
def load(self, dir):
self.layers = loadobject(dir)
def Csigmoid(signal, bias, lamb, mod=0):
max_input = 500
input_val = -(signal + bias) * lamb
input_val = np.clip(input_val, -max_input, max_input)
n = np.exp(input_val)
if mod == 0:
return 100 / (1 + n)
elif mod == 1:
sigmoid_val = 100 / (1 + n)
return lamb * n * (sigmoid_val ** 2)
def tanh(signal, bias, lamb, mod=0):
max_input = 100
input_val = (signal + bias) * lamb
input_val = np.clip(input_val, -max_input, max_input)
if mod == 0:
return np.tanh(input_val)
elif mod == 1:
return lamb * (1 - np.tanh(input_val) ** 2)
def relu(signal, bias, lamb, mod=0):
if mod == 0:
a = signal + bias * lamb
return a if a > 0 else 0
if mod == 1:
return lamb if signal + bias > 0 else 0
def Lrelu(signal, bias, lamb, mod=0):
if mod == 0:
return lamb * (signal + bias) if signal + bias > 0 else (signal + bias) / lamb
if mod == 1:
return lamb if signal + bias > 0 else 1 / lamb
def saveobject(Dir, obj):
with open(Dir, "wb") as F:
joblib.dump(obj, F)
def loadobject(Dir):
with open(Dir, "rb") as F:
return joblib.load(F)
I have tried to change the formulas, clipping the value, changing the activation function, and it still doesn't I am lost right now
I want the neural network to get closer to an expected value, assosiated to each inputs. I have tried to change the activation function, I have try to limit the range of value, all failed.
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