In some languages, like Python, you can define and assign values to a tuple of variables, and retrieve their values like this:
name, age = ("Bob", 24)
print(name) # name evaluates to "Bob"
print(age) # age evaluates to 24
Is there anything similar in JavaScript? Or do I just have to do it the ugly way with an array:
tuple = ["Bob", 24];
name = tuple[0]; // name Evaluates to Bob
age = tuple[1]; // age Evaluates to 24
Is there a better way to simulate Python tuples in JavaScript?
In some languages, like Python, you can define and assign values to a tuple of variables, and retrieve their values like this:
name, age = ("Bob", 24)
print(name) # name evaluates to "Bob"
print(age) # age evaluates to 24
Is there anything similar in JavaScript? Or do I just have to do it the ugly way with an array:
tuple = ["Bob", 24];
name = tuple[0]; // name Evaluates to Bob
age = tuple[1]; // age Evaluates to 24
Is there a better way to simulate Python tuples in JavaScript?
Share Improve this question edited Dec 1, 2024 at 11:12 dumbass 27.2k4 gold badges36 silver badges73 bronze badges asked Dec 22, 2010 at 18:31 KarlKarl 6,1655 gold badges32 silver badges39 bronze badges 2 |12 Answers
Reset to default 189JavaScript 1.7 added destructuring assignment syntax which allows you to do essentially what you are after:
function getTuple(){
return ["Bob", 24];
var [a, b] = getTuple();
// a === "bob" , b === 24 are both true
You have to do it the ugly way. If you really want something like this, you can check out CoffeeScript, which has that and a whole lot of other features that make it look more like python (sorry for making it sound like an advertisement, but I really like it.)
You can do something similar:
var tuple = Object.freeze({ name:'Bob', age:14 })
and then refer to name and age as attributes
This "tuple" feature it is called destructuring in EcmaScript2015 and is soon to be supported by up to date browsers. For the time being, only Firefox and Chrome support it.
But hey, you can use a transpiler.
The code would look as nice as python:
let tuple = ["Bob", 24]
let [name, age] = tuple
A frozen array behaves identically to a python tuple:
const tuple = Object.freeze(["Bob", 24]);
let [name, age]; = tuple
console.debug(name); // "Bob"
console.debug(age); // 24
Be fancy and define a class
class Tuple extends Array {
constructor(...items) {
let tuple = new Tuple("Jim", 35);
let [name, age] = tuple;
console.debug(name); // Jim
console.debug(age); // 35
tuple = ["Bob", 24]; // no effect
console.debug(name); // Jim
console.debug(age); // 25
Works today in all the latest browsers.
Tuples aren't supported in JavaScript
If you're looking for an immutable list, Object.freeze() can be used to make an array immutable.
The Object.freeze() method freezes an object: that is, prevents new properties from being added to it; prevents existing properties from being removed; and prevents existing properties, or their enumerability, configurability, or writability, from being changed. In essence the object is made effectively immutable. The method returns the object being frozen.
Source: Mozilla Developer Network - Object.freeze()
Assign an array as usual but lock it using 'Object.freeze()
> tuple = Object.freeze(['Bob', 24]);
[ 'Bob', 24 ]
Use the values as you would a regular array (python multi-assignment is not supported)
> name = tuple[0]
> age = tuple[1]
Attempt to assign a new value
> tuple[0] = 'Steve'
But the value is not changed
> console.log(tuple)
[ 'Bob', 24 ]
Unfortunately you can't use that tuple assignment syntax in (ECMA|Java)Script.
EDIT: Someone linked to Mozilla/JS 1.7 - this wouldn't work cross-browser but if that is not required then there's your answer.
This is not intended to be actually used in real life, just an interesting exercise. See Why is using the JavaScript eval function a bad idea? for details.
This is the closest you can get without resorting to vendor-specific extensions:
myArray = [1,2,3];
eval(set('a,b,c = myArray'));
Helper function:
function set(code) {
var vars=code.split('=')[0].trim().split(',');
var array=code.split('=')[1].trim();
return 'var ',i){return x+'='+array+'['+i+']'}).join(',');
Proof that it works in arbitrary scope:
myArray = [4,5,6];
eval(set('x,y,z = myArray'));
console.log(y); // prints 5
is not supported in Safari.
As an update to The Minister's answer, you can now do this with es2015:
function Tuple(...args) {
args.forEach((val, idx) =>
Object.defineProperty(this, "item"+idx, { get: () => val })
var t = new Tuple("a", 123)
console.log(t.item0) // "a"
t.item0 = "b"
console.log(t.item0) // "a",console
You can have a tuple type in Javascript as well. Just define it with higher order functions (the academic term is Church encoding):
const Tuple = (...args) => {
const Tuple = f => f(...args);
return Object.freeze(Object.assign(Tuple, args));
const get1 = tx => tx((x, y) => x);
const get2 = tx => tx((x, y) => y);
const bimap = f => g => tx => tx((x, y) => Tuple(f(x), g(y)));
const toArray = tx => tx((...args) => args);
// aux functions
const inc = x => x + 1;
const toUpperCase = x => x.toUpperCase();
// mock data
const pair = Tuple(1, "a");
// application
console.assert(get1(pair) === 1);
console.assert(get2(pair) === "a");
const {0:x, 1:y} = pair;
console.log(x, y); // 1 a
console.log(toArray(bimap(inc) (toUpperCase) (pair))); // [2, "A"]
const map = new Map([Tuple(1, "a"), Tuple(2, "b")]);
console.log(map.get(1), map.get(2)); // a b
Please note that Tuple
isn't used as a normal constructor. The solution doesn't rely on the prototype system at all, but solely on higher order functions.
What are the advantages of tuples over Array
s used like tuples? Church encoded tuples are immutable by design and thus prevent side effects caused by mutations. This helps to build more robust applications. Additionally, it is easier to reason about code that distinguishes between Array
s as a collection type (e.g. [a]
) and tuples as related data of various types (e.g. (a, b)
Here is a simple Javascript Tuple implementation:
var Tuple = (function () {
function Tuple(Item1, Item2) {
var item1 = Item1;
var item2 = Item2;
Object.defineProperty(this, "Item1", {
get: function() { return item1 }
Object.defineProperty(this, "Item2", {
get: function() { return item2 }
return Tuple;
var tuple = new Tuple("Bob", 25); // Instantiation of a new Tuple
var name = tuple.Item1; // Assignment. name will be "Bob"
tuple.Item1 = "Kirk"; // Will not set it. It's immutable.
This is a 2-tuple, however, you could modify my example to support 3,4,5,6 etc. tuples.
I made a tuple implementation that works quite well. This solution allows for array destructuring, as well as basic type-cheking.
const Tuple = (function() {
function Tuple() {
// Tuple needs at least one element
if (arguments.length < 1) {
throw new Error('Tuple needs at least one element');
const args = { ...arguments };
// Define a length property (equal to the number of arguments provided)
Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {
value: arguments.length,
writable: false
// Assign values to enumerable properties
for (let i in args) {
Object.defineProperty(this, i, {
enumerable: true,
get() {
return args[+i];
// Checking if the type of the provided value matches that of the existing value
set(value) {
if (typeof value !== typeof args[+i]) {
throw new Error('Cannot assign ' + typeof value + ' on ' + typeof args[+i]);
args[+i] = value;
// Implementing iteration with Symbol.iterator (allows for array destructuring as well for...of loops)
this[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
const tuple = this;
return {
current: 0,
last: tuple.length - 1,
next() {
if (this.current <= this.last) {
let val = { done: false, value: tuple[this.current] };
return val;
} else {
return { done: true };
// Sealing the object to make sure no more values can be added to tuple
// check if provided object is a tuple
Tuple.isTuple = function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Tuple;
// Misc. for making the tuple more readable when printing to the console
Tuple.prototype.toString = function() {
const copyThis = { ...this };
const values = Object.values(copyThis);
return `(${values.join(', ')})`;
// conctat two instances of Tuple
Tuple.concat = function(obj1, obj2) {
if (!Tuple.isTuple(obj1) || !Tuple.isTuple(obj2)) {
throw new Error('Cannot concat Tuple with ' + typeof (obj1 || obj2));
const obj1Copy = { ...obj1 };
const obj2Copy = { ...obj2 };
const obj1Items = Object.values(obj1Copy);
const obj2Items = Object.values(obj2Copy);
return new Tuple(...obj1Items, ...obj2Items);
return Tuple;
const SNAKE_COLOR = new Tuple(0, 220, 10);
const [red, green, blue] = SNAKE_COLOR;
console.log(green); // => 220
版权声明:本文标题:tuples - Is it possible in JavaScript to simultaneously assign to multiple variables like it is in Python? - Stack Overflow 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。
var tuple, name, age;
– Šime Vidas Commented Dec 22, 2010 at 18:54var name=tuple[0], age=tuple[1];
It's a bit more typing, but ugly might be an overstatement. – Brent Bradburn Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 2:29