

I have a date with the format Sun May 11,2014. How can I convert it to 2014-05-11 using JavaScript?

function taskDate(dateMilli) {
    var d = (new Date(dateMilli) + '').split(' ');
    d[2] = d[2] + ',';

    return [d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]].join(' ');

var datemilli = Date.parse('Sun May 11,2014');

I have a date with the format Sun May 11,2014. How can I convert it to 2014-05-11 using JavaScript?

function taskDate(dateMilli) {
    var d = (new Date(dateMilli) + '').split(' ');
    d[2] = d[2] + ',';

    return [d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]].join(' ');

var datemilli = Date.parse('Sun May 11,2014');

The code above gives me the same date format, sun may 11,2014. How can I fix this?

Share Improve this question edited Apr 11, 2022 at 22:45 John Slegers 47k23 gold badges204 silver badges172 bronze badges asked May 11, 2014 at 13:13 user3625547user3625547 12.4k3 gold badges13 silver badges6 bronze badges 6
  • Really consider using a library like Moment.js. It will format in desired result :) – Ankur Commented Jan 28, 2016 at 19:14
  • 16 Why using a library when 5 line of code can do the work ? @Ankur – Black Mamba Commented May 15, 2017 at 7:15
  • Possible duplicate of Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript? – Heretic Monkey Commented Jul 11, 2018 at 18:08
  • Related: What are valid Date Time Strings in JavaScript? Note that "Sun May 11,2014" is not a valid date string and parsing it might fail in some browsers. – str Commented Feb 9, 2019 at 12:33
  • @Black Mamba why use library when few line do trick – Maxim Therrien Commented Jul 20, 2022 at 15:44
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56 Answers 56

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Just leverage the built-in toISOString method that brings your date to the ISO 8601 format:

let yourDate = new Date()

Where yourDate is your date object.

Edit: @exbuddha wrote this to handle time zone in the comments:

const offset = yourDate.getTimezoneOffset()
yourDate = new Date(yourDate.getTime() - (offset*60*1000))
return yourDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]

You can do:

function formatDate(date) {
    var d = new Date(date),
        month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1),
        day = '' + d.getDate(),
        year = d.getFullYear();

    if (month.length < 2) 
        month = '0' + month;
    if (day.length < 2) 
        day = '0' + day;

    return [year, month, day].join('-');
console.log(formatDate('Sun May 11,2014'));

Usage example:

console.log(formatDate('Sun May 11,2014'));



Demo on JSFiddle:


You can use the native .toLocaleDateString() function which supports several useful params like locale (to select a format like MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD), timezone (to convert the date) and formats details options (eg: 1 vs 01 vs January).


const testCases = [
  new Date().toLocaleDateString(), // 8/19/2020
  new Date().toLocaleString(undefined, {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', weekday:"long", hour: '2-digit', hour12: false, minute:'2-digit', second:'2-digit'}), // 'Wednesday, 14/06/2023, 13:43:57'
  new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-US', {year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit'}), // 08/19/2020 (month and day with two digits)
  new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-ZA'), // 2020/08/19 (year/month/day) notice the different locale
  new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-CA'), // 2020-08-19 (year-month-day) notice the different locale
  new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "America/New_York"}), // 8/19/2020, 9:29:51 AM. (date and time in a specific timezone)
  new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {hour: '2-digit', hour12: false, timeZone: "America/New_York"}),  // 09 (just the hour)

for (const testData of testCases) {

Notice that sometimes to output a date in your specific desire format, you have to find a compatible locale with that format. You can find the locale examples here:

Please notice that locale just change the format, if you want to transform a specific date to a specific country or city time equivalent then you need to use the timezone param.

I use this way to get the date in format yyyy-mm-dd :)

var todayDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10);

The simplest way to convert your date to the yyyy-mm-dd format, is to do this:

var date = new Date("Sun May 11,2014");
var dateString = new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000 ))

How it works:

  • new Date("Sun May 11,2014") converts the string "Sun May 11,2014" to a date object that represents the time Sun May 11 2014 00:00:00 in a timezone based on current locale (host system settings)
  • new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000 )) converts your date to a date object that corresponds with the time Sun May 11 2014 00:00:00 in UTC (standard time) by subtracting the time zone offset
  • .toISOString() converts the date object to an ISO 8601 string 2014-05-11T00:00:00.000Z
  • .split("T") splits the string to array ["2014-05-11", "00:00:00.000Z"]
  • [0] takes the first element of that array


var date = new Date("Sun May 11,2014");
var dateString = new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000 ))


Note :

The first part of the code (new Date(...)) may need to be tweaked a bit if your input format is different from that of the OP. As mikeypie pointed out in the comments, if the date string is already in the expected output format and the local timezone is west of UTC, then new Date('2022-05-18') results in 2022-05-17. And a user's locale (eg. MM/DD/YYYY vs DD-MM-YYYY) may also impact how a date is parsed by new Date(...). So do some proper testing if you want to use this code for different input formats.

A combination of some of the answers:

var d = new Date(date);
date = [
  ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2),
  ('0' + d.getDate()).slice(-2)
format = function date2str(x, y) {
    var z = {
        M: x.getMonth() + 1,
        d: x.getDate(),
        h: x.getHours(),
        m: x.getMinutes(),
        s: x.getSeconds()
    y = y.replace(/(M+|d+|h+|m+|s+)/g, function(v) {
        return ((v.length > 1 ? "0" : "") + z[v.slice(-1)]).slice(-2)

    return y.replace(/(y+)/g, function(v) {
        return x.getFullYear().toString().slice(-v.length)


format(new Date('Sun May 11,2014'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')

If you don't have anything against using libraries, you could just use the Moments.js library like so:

var now = new Date();
var dateString = moment(now).format('YYYY-MM-DD');

var dateStringWithTime = moment(now).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
<script src=""></script>

You can use toLocaleDateString('fr-CA') on Date object

console.log(new Date('Sun May 11,2014').toLocaleDateString('fr-CA'));

Also I found out that those locales give right result from this locales list List of All Locales and Their Short Codes?


var localesList = ["af-ZA",

localesList.forEach(lcl => {
  if ("2014-05-11" === new Date('Sun May 11,2014').toLocaleDateString(lcl)) {
    console.log(lcl, new Date('Sun May 11,2014').toLocaleDateString(lcl));

The 2021 solution using Intl.

The new Intl Object is now supported on all browsers.
You can choose the format by choosing a "locale" that uses the required format.

The Swedish locale uses the format "yyyy-mm-dd":

// Create a date
const date = new Date(2021, 10, 28);

// Create a formatter using the "sv-SE" locale
const dateFormatter = Intl.DateTimeFormat('sv-SE');

// Use the formatter to format the date
console.log(dateFormatter.format(date)); // "2021-11-28"

Downsides of using Intl:

  • You cannot "unformat" or "parse" strings using this method
  • You have to search for the required format (for instance on Wikipedia) and cannot use a format-string like "yyyy-mm-dd"



var d = new Date('Sun May 11,2014' +' UTC');   // Parse as UTC
let str = d.toJSON().slice(0,10);              // Show as UTC


In the most of cases (no time zone handling) this is enough:



var date = new Date();
console.log(date.toISOString()); // 2022-07-04T07:14:08.925Z
console.log(date.toISOString().substring(0,10)); // 2022-07-04

Simply use this:

var date = new Date('1970-01-01'); // Or your date here
console.log((date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + date.getDate() + '/' +  date.getFullYear());

Simple and sweet ;)

toISOString() assumes your date is local time and converts it to UTC. You will get an incorrect date string.

The following method should return what you need.

Date.prototype.yyyymmdd = function() {         

    var yyyy = this.getFullYear().toString();                                    
    var mm = (this.getMonth()+1).toString(); // getMonth() is zero-based         
    var dd  = this.getDate().toString();             

    return yyyy + '-' + (mm[1]?mm:"0"+mm[0]) + '-' + (dd[1]?dd:"0"+dd[0]);


new Date().toLocaleDateString('pt-br').split( '/' ).reverse( ).join( '-' );


new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]
new Date('23/03/2020'.split('/').reverse().join('-')).toISOString()
new Date('23/03/2020'.split('/').reverse().join('-')).toISOString().split('T')[0]

Try this!

Retrieve year, month, and day, and then put them together. Straight, simple, and accurate.

function formatDate(date) {
    var year = date.getFullYear().toString();
    var month = (date.getMonth() + 101).toString().substring(1);
    var day = (date.getDate() + 100).toString().substring(1);
    return year + "-" + month + "-" + day;

//Usage example:
alert(formatDate(new Date()));

const formatDate = d => [
    (d.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'),
    d.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')

You can make use of padstart.

padStart(n, '0') ensures that a minimum of n characters are in a string and prepends it with '0's until that length is reached.

join('-') concatenates an array, adding '-' symbol between every elements.

getMonth() starts at 0 hence the +1.

Unfortunately, JavaScript's Date object has many pitfalls. Any solution based on Date's builtin toISOString has to mess with the timezone, as discussed in some other answers to this question. The clean solution to represent an ISO-8601 date (without time) is given by Temporal.PlainDate from the Temporal proposal. As of February 2021, you have to choose the workaround that works best for you.

use Date with vanilla string concatenation

Assuming that your internal representation is based on Date, you can perform manual string concatenation. The following code avoids some of Date's pitfalls (timezone, zero-based month, missing 2-digit formatting), but there might be other issues.

function vanillaToDateOnlyIso8601() {
  // month May has zero-based index 4
  const date = new Date(2014, 4, 11);

  const yyyy = date.getFullYear();
  const mm = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, "0"); // month is zero-based
  const dd = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, "0");

  if (yyyy < 1583) {
    // TODO: decide how to support dates before 1583
    throw new Error(`dates before year 1583 are not supported`);

  const formatted = `${yyyy}-${mm}-${dd}`;
  console.log("vanilla", formatted);

use Date with helper library (e.g. formatISO from date-fns)

This is a popular approach, but you are still forced to handle a calendar date as a Date, which represents

a single moment in time in a platform-independent format

The following code should get the job done, though:

import { formatISO } from "date-fns";

function dateFnsToDateOnlyIso8601() {
  // month May has zero-based index 4
  const date = new Date(2014, 4, 11);
  const formatted = formatISO(date, { representation: "date" });
  console.log("date-fns", formatted);

find a library that properly represents dates and times

I wish there was a clean and battle-tested library that brings its own well-designed date–time representations. A promising candidate for the task in this question was LocalDate from @js-joda/core, but the library is less active than, say, date-fns. When playing around with some example code, I also had some issues after adding the optional @js-joda/timezone.

However, the core functionality works and looks very clean to me:

import { LocalDate, Month } from "@js-joda/core";

function jodaDateOnlyIso8601() {
  const someDay = LocalDate.of(2014, Month.MAY, 11);
  const formatted = someDay.toString();
  console.log("joda", formatted);

experiment with the Temporal-proposal polyfill

This is not recommended for production, but you can import the future if you wish:

import { Temporal } from "proposal-temporal";

function temporalDateOnlyIso8601() {
  // yep, month is one-based here (as of Feb 2021)
  const plainDate = new Temporal.PlainDate(2014, 5, 11);
  const formatted = plainDate.toString();
  console.log("proposal-temporal", formatted);

When ES2018 rolls around (works in chrome) you can simply regex it

(new Date())


Or if you'd like something pretty versatile with no libraries whatsoever

(new Date())

Which results in extracting the following

    H: "8"
    HH: "08"
    M: "45"
    MM: "45"
    S: "42"
    SS: "42"
    SSS: "42.855"
    d: "14"
    dd: "14"
    m: "7"
    mm: "07"
    timezone: "Z"
    yy: "20"
    yyyy: "2020"

Which you can use like so with replace(..., '$<d>/$<m>/\'$<yy> @ $<H>:$<MM>') as at the top instead of .match(...).groups to get

14/7/'20 @ 8:45

Simply Retrieve year, month, and day, and then put them together.

    function dateFormat(date) {
        const day = date.getDate();
        const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
        const year = date.getFullYear();

        return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;

    console.log(dateFormat(new Date()));

To consider the timezone also, this one-liner should be good without any library:

new Date().toLocaleString("en-IN", {timeZone: "Asia/Kolkata"}).split(',')[0]

You can try this:

npm i timesolver

Use it in your code:

const timeSolver = require('timeSolver');
const date = new Date();
const dateString = timeSolver.getString(date, "YYYY-MM-DD");

You can get the date string by using this method:


This is what I did.

Another alternate short and simple method:-

const date = new Date().toISOString();
console.log(date.substring(0, date.indexOf('T')));

Used substring() with indexOf("T") rather than splitting it into array at character 'T' and accessing element at 0th index.

Warning this code does not work in certain versions of Chrome, Node.js, etc.

  • Expected: yyyy-MM-dd
  • Actual: M/d/yyyy



Please consider timezones when converting Date to date string.

Two methods can be used.

  • .toISOString(); - Fixed to GMT+0. Includes time, which should be removed later.
  • .toLocaleDateString('en-CA'); - Timezone can be specified. Defaults to system.

Note that en-CA is a locale, not a timezone. Canada uses the YYYY-MM-DD format.

In the following example, the system timezone is set to PDT (GMT-7)

const date = new Date('2023-04-08 GMT+09:00');
// Sat Apr 08 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0900 (한국 표준시)
// Fri Apr 07 2023 08:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

// Based on GMT+0 or UTC - time is substringed.
date.toISOString(); // '2023-04-07T15:00:00.000Z'
date.toISOString().substring(0, 10); // '2023-04-07'

// Based on GMT-7 - local timezone of the system
date.toLocaleDateString('en-CA'); // '2023-04-07'

// Based on GMT+9 - Asia/Seoul is GMT+9
date.toLocaleDateString('en-CA', { timeZone: 'Asia/Seoul' }); // '2023-04-08'

Here is one way to do it:

var date = Date.parse('Sun May 11,2014');

function format(date) {
  date = new Date(date);

  var day = ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2);
  var month = ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
  var year = date.getFullYear();

  return year + '-' + month + '-' + day;


I suggest using something like formatDate-js instead of trying to replicate it every time. Just use a library that supports all the major strftime actions.

new Date().format("%Y-%m-%d")

Date.js is great for this.

(new Date()).toString("yyyy-MM-dd")

You can use this function for better format and easy of use:

function convert(date) {
    const d = Date.parse(date)
    const   date_obj = new Date(d)
    return `${date_obj.getFullYear()}-${date_obj.toLocaleString("default", { month: "2-digit" })}-${date_obj.toLocaleString("default", { day: "2-digit"})}`

This function will format the month as 2-digit output as well as the days

const YYYY_MM_DD_Formater = (date) => {
    const t = new Date(date)
    const y = t.getFullYear()
    const m = ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)
    const d = ('0' + t.getDate()).slice(-2)
    return `${y}-${m}-${d}`


const YYYY_MM_DD_Formater = (date,format='YYYY-MM-DD') => {
    const t = new Date(date)
    const y = t.getFullYear()
    const m = ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)
    const d = ('0' + t.getDate()).slice(-2)
    return format.replace('YYYY',y).replace('MM',m).replace('DD',d)

Use the new Temporal proposal (see browser support below) with a PlainDate object:

Temporal.PlainDate.from({ year: 2006, month: 8, day: 24 }).toString() // '2006-08-24'

Or, if you want the date for today:

Temporal.Now.plainDateISO().toString() // '2023-08-25'

Demo with <input type="date" /> (React):

Browser Support

Temporal proposal on Can I use shows lacking support for now (no browsers supporting this as of Aug 2023). So unless this changes by the time you do this, you will need to install @js-temporal/polyfill and apply the polyfill like this:

import { Temporal, Intl, toTemporalInstant } from '@js-temporal/polyfill';
Date.prototype.toTemporalInstant = toTemporalInstant;
