

I am currently working on implementing Federated Views using the APS Forge Viewer (basically supporting for load multiple models). Current Implementation:

  • Initial Model Loading: The first model is loaded by passing SVF data (stored locally, divided into chunks, combined, and then converted into SVF files) to the Forge Viewer. The viewer loads successfully, displaying both the geometry and the object tree.
  • Subsequent Model Loading: Additional models are passed in a similar manner and are loaded using the loadModel function of the viewer. For each model, both the geometry and object tree are successfully loaded.
  • Model Unloading: When a model is removed, it is unloaded successfully. I confirmed this by verifying that the UNLOAD_MODEL callback is triggered correctly.

Issue Encountered: When I attempt to reload the same model after it has been unloaded: Geometry is loaded correctly. However, the Object Tree does not get created, resulting in incomplete loading of the model. This issue occurs specifically when attempting to reload a previously unloaded model. For better context, I have attached a video demonstrating the problem. I would appreciate your guidance on resolving this issue as soon as possible. Please let me know if you require any additional details or logs to assist in troubleshooting. Thank you in advance for your time and support!

I am expecting to load the same model, with same url without uninitializing the viewer.
