

everyone. I'm a beginner just starting to learn AirSim.

My Question: I currently need to perform a joint simulation using AirSim and C++ ROS. When using the airsim_ros_pkgs, I encounter the following error:

rpclib: function 'simGetImages' (called with 2 arg(s)) threw an exception. The exception is not derived from std::exception. No further information available.

When this issue occurs:

  • All topics corresponding to AirSim have no data.
  • Even the cout in my subscriber doesn't produce any output.
  • However, the program does not crash but keeps printing the error in the terminal.

My Situation: I have two laptops:

  1. Old Laptop: NVIDIA GTX 1060. Running the same code works fine (although I encountered the issue once, it disappeared after a restart and hasn’t recurred).
  2. New Laptop: NVIDIA RTX 4060. The issue persists and occurs consistently on this machine.

What I Have Tried:

  1. Setting.json Path: Some people reported solving this issue in Docker by placing the settings.json file under /root/Documents/AirSim. However, I confirmed that my file is in the default path ~/Documents/AirSim on both laptops.

  2. Downgrading AirSim: I tried rolling back AirSim to version 1.7 and running different scenes, but it didn’t seem to help.

Could anyone please help me? I've spent several days trying to solve this problem!
