

I'm kinda new to react native, the app that i have, has a OAuth authentication (docs from 07/01/2025) and every time i sign in with google and finish the last step, the app just shows this screen.screen when trying to get back to the home page i think this happens in the SocialLoginButton.tsx component in this part of the code that acts after signing in, this part doesn't redirect the user to the homepage, it just shows "Unmatched Router"

      const { createdSessionId, setActive } = await startOAuthFlow({
        redirectUrl: Linking.createURL("/Home", { scheme: "myapp" }),

and also, after the whole process of signing in, i'm still signed out and can't access the home, it redirects my again to the sign in page. the code is this github repository, if someone can help i'll be glad

i tried to use different routes in Linking.createURL("/Home", { scheme: "myapp" }) and change the name in the tabs/_layout.jsx file for the index file that contains the homepage. the whole app (so far) is in this git repo.
