So, I'm completely at loss about something in my code that don't work and I don't know what and why. Here's the problem :
I'm retrieving results from the database to show what's in store. I have two parts : public, and management. The problem is that I don't have the same results even though the code is almost identical :
Repository :
public function findAllLimit(int $page, $onglet, $filtre = "", array $auts = [], int $limit = 25):array
$tirage = ['tirage', 'tirages-anciens'];
$objets = ['objet', 'jeu', 'figurine'];
$result = []; $listId = [];
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
->leftJoin('p.auteurs', 'a')
->leftJoin('p.dessinateurs', 'd')
->innerJoin('p.editeur', 'e')
->innerJoin('p.serie', 's')
->innerJoin('p.paratype', 't')
->andWhere(' = :etat')
->setParameter('etat', true);
if($filtre != ""){
$query->andWhere('p.parabd_titre LIKE :f OR a.nom LIKE :f OR a.prenom LIKE :f OR d.nom LIKE :f OR d.prenom LIKE :f OR e.nom LIKE :f')
->setParameter('f', "%".$filtre."%");
if($onglet == 'tintin'){
$query->andWhere("s.nom = 'tintin'");
} elseif($onglet == 'affiche'){
$query->andWhere("s.nom != 'tintin'")
->andWhere("t.nom = 'affiche' ");
} elseif($onglet == 'tirages'){
$query->andWhere("s.nom != 'tintin'")
->andWhere("t.nom IN (:tirage) ")
->setParameter('tirage', $tirage);
} elseif($onglet == 'objets'){
$query->andWhere("s.nom != 'tintin'")
->andWhere("t.nom IN (:objet) ")
->setParameter('objet', $objets);
} elseif($onglet != '') {
$query->andWhere("s.nom != 'tintin'")
->andWhere('t.nom = :type ')
->setParameter('type', $onglet);
if(count($auts) > 0) {
foreach($auts as $a) { array_push($listId, $a->getId()); }
$query->andWhere(' IN (:ids) OR IN (:ids)')
->setParameter('ids', $listId);
$query->orderBy('p.position', 'ASC')
->setFirstResult($page * $limit - $limit);
$paginator = new Paginator($query);
// dd($paginator->getQuery()->getSQL());
$data = $paginator->getQuery()->getResult();
// dd($paginator->count());
if(empty($data)) { //retourne tableau vide pour éviter les erreurs 500
$result['data'] = [];
$result['pages'] = 0;
return $result;
//Calcul nb de pages
$pages = ceil($paginator->count() / $limit);
$result['data'] = $data;
$result['pages'] = $pages;
$result['page'] = $page;
$result['limit'] = $limit;
return $result;
In the page :
{% block body %}
{% set path = 'lib_xl' %}
{% set pages = liste.pages %}
{% set currentPage = %}
{% set haveFilter = true %}
{% set filtre = nomFilt %}
{% set btnList = true %}
{% include "_partials/_pagination.html.twig" %}
<div class="xlAlbum">
{% set n = 0 %}
{% for l in %}
{% set n = n+1 %}
<div class="xlCard">
<p class="statutXl"><span style="color:{{ l.etatLibris.color }}"> {{ l.etatLibris.libelle|upper }} </span></p>
<p><b>{{ l.livre }} </b><br /><br />{% set i = 0 %}{% set n = l.dessinateurs|length + l.auteurs|length %} {% for a in l.dessinateurs %}{% set i = i+1 %} {{ a.prenom }} {{a.nom}}{% if i > n-1 %} {% elseif i == n - 1 %} et {% else %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for a in l.auteurs %}{% set i = i+1 %} {{ a.prenom }} {{a.nom}}{% if i > n-1 %} {% elseif i == n - 1 %} et {% else %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}</p>
<div class="infoLibris"><img src="{{ asset('/image/xl/') }}{{ l.image }}" class="cursor" />
<div><p>paru aux éditions {{ l.editeur.nom }}<br /> en {{|format_datetime(pattern='MMMM yyyy', locale='fr') }}</p><br />
<p class="pComm">{{ lmentaire }} </p></div>
<div id="bdLink{{n}}" class="bdLink">
<ul>{% for bd in l.bdconcernes %}
<li><a href="{{ bd.lien }}" target="_blank">{{ bd.nombd }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% include "_partials/_pagination.html.twig" %}
For the management part, the code is almost identical as I said (the public one have just one line that block all inactive object ( (none are desactivate, so we can ignore that) and the order is different (by positioning number, but all are at 0, so...)).
The thing is : I have 18 objets that should be showing (SQL and Paginator give 18 objects), but only 14 are up. Why ?
Edit : The problem is fixed adding ->select('DISTINCT p') after the '$this->createQueryBuilder('p')'. Thanks to Julian Koster !
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