I have a custom UINavigationController
which performs some pushing and popping actions.
I using SwiftUI within a UIKit application so a few of the view controllers within the UINavigationController are UIHostingControllers
In various parts of my code I have UIHostingController(rootView: ArticleView())
or UIHostingController(rootView: RatingView())
and some others
I wanted to specifically identify if the Navigation controller was going to push the article view or the rating view so what I did was:
protocol TabBarCompatible: View { }
extension ArticleView: TabBarCompatible { }
extension RatingView: TabBarCompatible { }
Then when I am going through the view controllers in my Navigation controller, I check to see if the destination is like one of the above:
if let destinationView = self as? UIHostingController<AnyView>,
destinationView.rootView is any TabBarCompatible
Now the cast to UIHostingController<AnyView>
itself fails which probably could succeed if when I created the SwiftUI views, I would need to do UIHostingController(rootView: AnyView(ArticleView()))
- however:
- What I really wish to check is `if let destinationView = self as? UIHostingController
- I prefer not to wrap to AnyView unless its the last resort as I will have to do this in many places
Another option could also be to hold all the possibilities I wish to check in an array and keep
let swiftUIControllers = [UIHostingController<ArticleView>, UIHostingController<RatingView>]
// loop through the swiftUIControllers and compare the current controller using isKind(of: )
Is there any other / better way to cast a UIViewController to a UIHostingController generically without knowing the rootView of the UIHostingController ?
I have a custom UINavigationController
which performs some pushing and popping actions.
I using SwiftUI within a UIKit application so a few of the view controllers within the UINavigationController are UIHostingControllers
In various parts of my code I have UIHostingController(rootView: ArticleView())
or UIHostingController(rootView: RatingView())
and some others
I wanted to specifically identify if the Navigation controller was going to push the article view or the rating view so what I did was:
protocol TabBarCompatible: View { }
extension ArticleView: TabBarCompatible { }
extension RatingView: TabBarCompatible { }
Then when I am going through the view controllers in my Navigation controller, I check to see if the destination is like one of the above:
if let destinationView = self as? UIHostingController<AnyView>,
destinationView.rootView is any TabBarCompatible
Now the cast to UIHostingController<AnyView>
itself fails which probably could succeed if when I created the SwiftUI views, I would need to do UIHostingController(rootView: AnyView(ArticleView()))
- however:
- What I really wish to check is `if let destinationView = self as? UIHostingController
- I prefer not to wrap to AnyView unless its the last resort as I will have to do this in many places
Another option could also be to hold all the possibilities I wish to check in an array and keep
let swiftUIControllers = [UIHostingController<ArticleView>, UIHostingController<RatingView>]
// loop through the swiftUIControllers and compare the current controller using isKind(of: )
Is there any other / better way to cast a UIViewController to a UIHostingController generically without knowing the rootView of the UIHostingController ?
Share Improve this question asked yesterday Shawn FrankShawn Frank 5,1332 gold badges20 silver badges39 bronze badges 2 |2 Answers
Reset to default 0If you just want to check if the rootView
conforms to TabBarCompatible
and don't care about anything else about rootView
, you can introduce a new protocol like this:
protocol TabBarCompatibleViewController: UIViewController {}
extension UIHostingController: TabBarCompatibleViewController where Content: TabBarCompatible {}
Then you can check if destination is (any TabBarCompatibleViewController)
If you remove the : View
constraint on TabBarCompatible
, you can reuse TabBarCompatible
instead of writing a new protocol,
extension UIHostingController: TabBarCompatible where Content: TabBarCompatible {}
You can refer to the following implementation.
protocol TabBarCompatible: View { }
extension ArticleView: TabBarCompatible { }
extension RatingView: TabBarCompatible { }
protocol HostingCompatible {
associatedtype ViewType: TabBarCompatible
var rootView: ViewType { get }
extension UIHostingController: HostingCompatible where Content: TabBarCompatible { }
You can use it like this
if let destinationView = self as? (any HostingCompatible) {
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if self is UIHostingController
? If you need to know whetherself
is one of the specific ui hosting view controllers, then you need to conditionally cast to each one because Swift generics are not covariant. – Paulw11 Commented yesterday