

I am working on a competition system where live results of winners are broadcast on to a large display screen. This will be a large TV in a public area, there is no user interaction with the screen and no peripherals to control it.

The data is a list of competition winners, including their name, group and prize. At the start of the event the list will be empty, but over the course of 6 hours that list will grow to about 100 records. What I need to do is establish some kind of scrolling results display.

At the top of my page I will always display the latest winner, but I need to find a way of showing the rest of the winners with the same "airtime" given to each group.

My instant though was to use the Bootstrap 5 carousel control but that does not seem to works too well with Blazor and maybe is more suited to scrolling single images.

Has anyone created something like this before? and what did you use to display all this data in a fair and modern looking way?

I am using .NET 8 Blazor server, all of my data structures are in place and I have my lists built and ready to push in to my display layer.
