

I'm trying to setup a Keycloak instance with an external Identity Provider and with an LDAP User Federation.

I need to have the users created locally in Keycloak upon successful authentication with external IdP to be persisted in the linked LDAP instance.

I can't find a way to implement this. I've tried using the LDAP configuration "Edit mode" to WRITABLE unfortunately doesn't do it.

I need to authenticate users with a specific IdP but which doesn't provide any authorization information. Authorizations need to come under the form of LDAP groups, that are set through a 3rd-party system (can't be Keycloak). This is not ideal. Hence my idea to have keycloak sync the user back to LDAP so that LDAP users can be assigned groups, which will be read by Keycloak and fed to configured Service Providers upon authentication.

Gitlab for instance seem to have this capacbility in the Omniauth config: auto_link_ldap_user cf. .html#configure-common-settings

Creates an LDAP identity in GitLab for users that are created through an OmniAuth provider.
