

What is the difference between an HTTP response cookie (specifically in the Firefox console window) and the cookies in Storage? I'm attempting to return a CSRF token as a cookie from express to an angular frontend, like so:

const options = {
    httpOnly: true,
    secure: false, // set to false for local testing
    sameSite: "lax",
    // maxAge: oneDayToSeconds,
    domain: 'localhost'
return res.status(200).cookie('XSRF-TOKEN', csrfToken, options).end();

I'd expect this to store the cookie in the browser storage, here:

but nothing gets stored. If I check the response headers section and the cookies section for the response, I can see the following:

and the cookies section:

I can see the token.

What is the difference between the two cookie sections and shouldn't this approach automatically store the cookie value?

