

If you have ever upgraded your Windows installation without formatting, you have probably come across the Windows.old folder which houses all the files from your previous installation. Here’s how to use it to restore your files.

如果您曾经升级Windows安装而没有格式化,则可能遇到过Windows.old文件夹,该文件夹包含先前安装中的所有文件。 这是使用它还原文件的方法。

You might be wondering if you can actually remove the Windows.OLD folder, and the answer is that you definitely can — just read our article on the topic for more. Just make sure that you don’t want to revert back to the previous operating system before you do, and that you don’t need any files stored in it (which is pretty unlikely but it’s still best to make sure).

您可能想知道是否可以删除Windows.OLD文件夹,而答案是肯定可以的-请阅读有关该主题的文章以获取更多信息。 只需确保您不想在还原之前就还原到以前的操作系统,并且不需要在其中存储任何文件(这虽然不太可能,但仍然最好确保)。

手动复制它们 (Copy Them Manually)

If you wish to restore your files manually you can open up the Computer panel and navigate to the root of your OS drive to access the Windows.old folder.


The bulk of your files will be under:



Windows.old \ Users \%Username%

Which is what is left of your original user profile.


To restore your files, enter one of the folders and select all the files and folders contained within it. Now press the shift button on your keyboard and right click on one of the items, then navigate to the “Send to” section of the context menu. You will notice that by holding the shift key we have unlocked a whole bunch of hidden items in the context menu, so you can go ahead and send the files to their matching folder in your current Windows installation.

要还原文件,请输入其中一个文件夹,然后选择其中包含的所有文件和文件夹。 现在,按下键盘上的Shift键,然后右键单击其中一项,然后导航至上下文菜单的“发送至”部分。 您会注意到,通过按住Shift键,我们已经在上下文菜单中解锁了一大堆隐藏的项目,因此您可以继续将文件发送到当前Windows安装中的相应文件夹中。

使用向导 (Use the Wizard)

Admittedly restoring all your files via the manual method can be rather tedious. So Microsoft has recently introduced a new troubleshooter, which you can grab from the Windows site, that automatically moves all your files in the Windows.old folder to the corresponding locations within your new Windows installation.

诚然,通过手动方法还原所有文件可能非常乏味。 因此,Microsoft最近推出了一个新的疑难解答程序,您可以从Windows站点获取该疑难解答程序,该程序将Windows.old文件夹中的所有文件自动移动到新Windows安装中的相应位置。

Once downloaded you can launch the wizard and click next.


From there it’s pretty much all automated, if you had stuff on your desktop you will slowly see the icons appear.


It is seriously as simple as that.


That’s all there is to it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/130558/how-to-restore-your-files-from-the-windows.old-folder-after-upgrading/

本文标签: 文件夹文件Windows