While the Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV stick usually run smoothly, sometimes they need a swift kick in the reset button. Here’s how to get your Fire TV back to a factory-fresh state.
尽管Amazon Fire TV和Fire TV摇杆通常运行平稳,但有时需要在重置按钮中快速起脚。 这是使Fire TV恢复到出厂状态的方法。
为什么要重置您的消防电视? (Why Reset Your Fire TV?)
When it comes to devices with embedded operating systems, sometimes there’s just a glitch in the machine you can’t explain, and Amazon’s Fire TV line is no exception. Maybe a certain button on the remote just doesn’t work right. Maybe it refuses to recognize your Wi-Fi network (not that we’re writing this guide as a result of that happening or anything). Maybe despite entering your Amazon Prime credentials a dozen times in a row, it just won’t phone home and load your vast Prime library.
当涉及到带有嵌入式操作系统的设备时,有时机器中只有一个小故障是您无法解释的,亚马逊的Fire TV系列也不例外。 遥控器上的某个按钮可能无法正常工作。 也许它拒绝识别您的Wi-Fi网络(不是因为发生这种情况或其他原因我们正在编写本指南)。 也许尽管连续输入了您的Amazon Prime凭证十次,但它只是无法打电话回家并加载您庞大的Prime库。
While we don’t encourage people to take the scorched-Earth approach to fixing their gadgets, unfortunately that’s sometimes the only solution that works. Whatever your ghost-in-the-machine glitch might be, there’s a very good chance that a factory reset is the key to eradicating it.
尽管我们不鼓励人们采用焦土方法来修复其小工具,但不幸的是,有时这是唯一可行的解决方案。 无论您的机器出现什么故障,恢复出厂设置都是消除此故障的关键机会。
The price for resetting your Fire TV device back to a showroom-fresh state is that you need to go through and tweak all your settings as if you just plugged the device in for the first time: Wi-Fi credentials, Amazon credentials, any customization you’ve made, and so on. Furthermore, you’ll need to download all content again like apps and stored media.
将Fire TV设备重置为新的陈列室状态的代价是,您需要经历并调整所有设置,就好像您是第一次插入设备一样:Wi-Fi凭证,Amazon凭证,任何自定义你做了,等等。 此外,您需要再次下载所有内容,例如应用程序和存储的媒体。
If you’re not put off by the hassle and you’re ready for that new-car smell, let’s reset your Fire TV.
如何重置您的Fire TV和Fire TV Stick (How to Reset Your Fire TV & Fire TV Stick)
First, let’s get one thing out of the way. Even though we opened this tutorial with a joke about giving your Fire TV a swift kick in the reset button, we can’t actually suggest that course of action. Do we say this because it would be far too difficult to land a well placed kick into a tiny and recessed reset button hole? Who are we to judge your kicking skills? The real reason is the Fire TV doesn’t have a physical reset button. There are only two ways to reset it: via the System menu and via remote control button combination.
首先,让我们解决一件事。 即使我们在开玩笑时开玩笑说要在重置按钮上快速启动Fire TV,我们实际上并不能建议采取这种行动。 我们之所以这么说是因为将定位良好的脚踢入一个微小且凹陷的复位按钮Kong太困难了? 我们是谁来判断您的踢球技巧? 真正的原因是火的电视没有物理重置按钮。 只有两种方法可以重置它:通过“系统”菜单和通过遥控器按钮组合。
If you want to jump right to the reset option, you can do so by holding down the Back button and the Right button on your Fire TV remote for 10 seconds until the reset screen pops up.
如果要向右跳到重置选项,可以通过按住Fire TV遥控器上的“后退”按钮和“向右”按钮10秒钟直到弹出重置屏幕来实现。
You can also take the longer route, through the System menu, by navigating down the sidebar menu until you reach “Settings”.
There scroll right until you see the “System” menu.
Scroll down through the slide out menu until you see “Reset to Factory Defaults” and select it.
When prompted, enter your PIN code (if you’ve set a parental/security PIN code on your device).
A note regarding the security PIN–if you’re resetting your Fire TV because it won’t connect to your Wi-Fi you’re in a bit of a bind here. You cannot reset your PIN-protected Amazon Fire TV/TV Stick unless the device can phone home and confirm your PIN is correct. This is a ridiculous situation that necessitates you connecting your Fire TV to another network (or using a network cable to plug it directly into your router).
关于安全PIN的注释-如果您要重置Fire TV(因为它无法连接到Wi-Fi)而将其重置,则可能会造成一定的麻烦。 您无法重置受PIN保护的Amazon Fire TV / TV Stick,除非设备可以打电话回家并确认PIN正确。 这是一种荒谬的情况,需要将Fire TV连接到另一个网络(或使用网络电缆将其直接插入路由器)。
Select “Reset”.
Your Amazon Fire TV will restart, you’ll run through the whole setup routine again as if the device is fresh out of the box, and–fingers crossed–the problem that prompted you to reset the device is gone for good.
您的Amazon Fire TV将重新启动,您将再次执行整个设置例程,就好像设备是开箱即用的,并且(手指交叉)提示您重置设备的问题已一去不复返了。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/250603/how-to-reset-your-amazon-fire-tv/
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