

1. Prepare USB storage

we got a prepared USB from others so that we can smoothly go to step 2.

2. Re-install the ubuntu 16.04 system

2.1 Reboot the computer with the USB plugged in it

   2.1.1 When the dell icon appears on the display, press F2 or F10 to enter the bios mode 

   2.1.2 Modify some settings Secure Boot--> Secure Boot Enable
             change the "Secure Boot Enable" from default "Enable" to "Disable". General--> advanced boot options
             Check the option "Enable Legacy Option ROMs" on the right, click and choose it. General--> Boot sequences
             1.Click and choose the option "Legacy", then, change the "USB Storage Device" from the bottom to the first top position. After that, click the option below "apply", we got to click "OK

本文标签: 装机系统Ubuntu