


Lamport认为,在动手写代码之前,要先思考和写作的重要性。图灵奖得主、分布式系统先驱、LaTeX之父Leslie Lamport认为,对于程序员而言,对数学思维的强调永远不会过分,要写出好代码,不能惧怕数学。但基本上,程序员和许多计算机科学家都被数学吓坏了。
What was wrong with their original algorithm?
Well, they didn’t have an algorithm, just a bunch of code. Very few programmers think in terms of algorithms. When trying to write a concurrent system, if you just code it without having algorithms, there’s no way that your program is not going to be full of bugs.
--- Leslie Lamport,2013年图灵奖得主:如何写出数学上完美的算法<

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