



  • 教案模板
  • GPT4的结果
    • 目标单词
    • 目标句型
    • 思政目标
    • 教学步骤
    • 课后总结
  • GPT 3.5
    • 目标单词
    • 目标句型
    • 思政目标
    • 教学步骤
    • 课后总结
  • Legacy (GPT-3.5)
    • Target Vocabulary (20 words)
    • Target Sentences (5 sentences)
    • Social Objective
    • Teaching Steps
    • After-class Summary


请忽略之前的所有他及时,为 [级别] 的学生准备一节练习,英语知识点中 [课程内容] 撰写课程安排。课程内容围绕着 [话题] 展开。该课程应该练习学生的口语、写作、听力、写作技能,课程时间为45分钟,请安排好这45分钟内的具体活动。


  1. 目标单词(H1标题,至少20个不需要翻译中文),要求每个单词有详细的讲解(包括词性、用法等知识)。
  2. 目标句型(H1标题,至少5句),要求每个句型有详细的讲解(包括语法,句型等知识)。
  3. 思政目标(H1标题),要求贴近实际生活。
  4. 教学步骤(H1标题),要求步骤详细,应该包括所需用到的具体例子。
  5. 课后总结(H1标题)




  • progress (n.) - 发展,进步。示例:Technological progress has brought many benefits to society.
  • revolutionize (v.) - 彻底改变,引起革命性变革。示例:The invention of the internet revolutionized communication.
  • innovation (n.) - 创新。示例:The company is known for its commitment to innovation.
  • transform (v.) - 改变,改造。示例:Digital technology has transformed the way we live and work.
  • advancement (n.) - 发展,进步。示例:The advancement of medical research has led to new treatments for diseases.
  • artificial (adj.) - 人造的,人工的。示例:Artificial intelligence is a fast-growing field in technology.
  • intelligence (n.) - 智能。示例:The development of artificial intelligence has opened up new possibilities.
  • capability (n.) - 能力,才能。示例:The software has advanced capabilities for data analysis.
  • language (n.) - 语言。示例:English is a widely spoken language around the world.
  • processing (n.) - 处理,加工。示例:The computer is capable of processing large amounts of data quickly.
  • model (n.) - 模型,范例。示例:The GPT-4 is a model for language processing.
  • debate (n.) - 辩论,讨论。示例:There is an ongoing debate about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence.
  • controversial (adj.) - 有争议的,引起争论的。示例:The use of AI in certain fields is controversial.
  • ethical (adj.) - 伦理的,道德的。示例:There are many ethical questions surrounding the use of AI.
  • impact (n.) - 影响,作用。示例:The impact of AI on society is immense and far-reaching.
  • consequence (n.) - 结果,后果。示例:The long-term consequences of AI development are still uncertain.
  • automation (n.) - 自动化。示例:Automation has led to increased efficiency in many industries.
  • replacement (n.) - 取代,替代。示例:The replacement of human workers by machines is a concern for some people.
  • opportunity (n.) - 机会,时机。示例:AI offers many opportunities for innovation and growth.
  • challenge (n.) - 挑战,难题。示例:Adapting to the rapid pace of technological change is a challenge for many people.


  • [subject] + is/are + verb-ing (现在进行时)。示例:ChatGPT is revolutionizing language learning.
  • [subject] + has/have + past participle (现在完成时)。示例:AI has transformed our lives in many ways.
  • [subject] + will + verb (一般将来时)。示例:AI will continue to advance in the coming years.
  • [subject] + should + verb (应该,建议)。示例:We should consider the ethicalimplications of AI development.
  • [subject] + can/could + verb (能力,可能性)。示例:AI can provide new opportunities for economic growth.


培养学生分析和讨论现代技术问题的能力,提高学生对现在进行时语法知识的运用,以及通过讨论 ChatGPT 是否是时代的进步这一话题,引导学生关注科技进步对社会、经济和道德伦理的影响。


  • 导入话题 (5分钟):通过简短的引导问题,引入课程话题,例如:“你们认为人工智能在我们生活中的作用是什么?”或“你们如何看待 ChatGPT 这样的人工智能语言处理技术?”
  • 目标单词讲解 (10分钟):逐个解释课程中的目标单词,包括词性、用法等知识,并用实例进行说明。
  • 目标句型讲解 (10分钟):解释课程中的目标句型,包括语法和句型知识,并用实例进行说明。
  • 小组讨论 (10分钟):将学生分成小组,让他们讨论 ChatGPT 是否是时代的进步,以及这种进步对社会、经济和道德伦理的影响。鼓励学生使用目标单词和目标句型进行讨论。
  • 全班讨论 (5分钟):让各小组分享他们的观点,进行全班讨论。教师可以提出问题,引导学生思考并展开讨论。
  • 写作练习 (10分钟):要求学生根据讨论内容,用现在进行时语法撰写一篇关于 ChatGPT 是否是时代进步的短文,字数在150-200字之间。


本课程通过讨论 ChatGPT 是否是时代的进步这一话题,旨在提高学生运用现在进行时语法知识的能力,并引导学生关注科技进步对社会、经济和道德伦理的影响。通过目标单词、目标句型的讲解以及小组讨论和写作练习,学生可以更深入地理解和运用现在进行时语法,同时锻炼口语、写作、听力和阅读技能。

GPT 3.5


  • Communicate - v. 交流,传达
  • Innovate - v. 创新,改革
  • Progress - n. 进步,进展;v. 进步,前进
  • Advance - v. 前进,发展;n. 进展,前进
  • Transform - v. 转变,改造
  • Evolve - v. 演变,发展
  • Develop - v. 发展,成长
  • Enhance - v. 增强,提高
  • Expand - v. 扩大,扩展
  • Evolve - v. 发展,演变


I am currently communicating with my colleagues.

We are innovating our product to keep up with market trends.

She is progressing very well in her studies.

The company is advancing towards its long-term goals.

The technology is transforming the way we live.




  • 引入话题:探讨现代科技是否带来真正的进步和福祉,并引出“ChatGPT是否是时代的进步”这一问题。
  • 学习现在进行时:解释现在进行时的用法和特点,并通过练习掌握。
  • 学习目标单词:讲解目标单词的词性、用法等知识,并帮助学生掌握单词。
  • 学习目标句型:讲解目标句型的语法、句型等知识,并通过练习帮助学生掌握。
  • 分组讨论:分组探讨“ChatGPT是否是时代的进步”,并就这一问题展开口语和写作训练。
  • 总结:总结现在进行时的用法和目标单词的词性、用法等知识,并回答讨论中的问题。



Legacy (GPT-3.5)

Target Vocabulary (20 words)

  • Progress - the process of improving or developing something over a period of time
  • Advancement - an improvement or development in a particular area
  • Development - the process of growing, improving, or advancing
  • Modernization - the process of making something more modern or up-to-date
  • Technological - relating to technology and its development
  • Artificial intelligence - the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and act like humans
  • Machine learning - the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience
  • Natural language processing - the ability of computers to understand and analyze human language
  • Robust - strong, healthy, and able to withstand difficult conditions
  • Efficient - capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy
  • Automated - operated by machines or computers, rather than by people
  • Enhance - to make something better or more attractive
  • Streamline - to make a process or organization more efficient and effective
  • Innovative - introducing new ideas or methods
  • Disruptive - causing change by breaking up established patterns or systems
  • Advance - to move forward or ahead in a particular direction
  • Pioneering - being the first to do something new or original
  • Frontier - an area or field that is being developed or explored for the first time
  • Emerging - becoming more noticeable or important
  • Cutting-edge - the latest and most advanced stage in the development of a particular technology or idea.

Target Sentences (5 sentences)

  • ChatGPT is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence system.
  • It has been developed to enhance and streamline the way people communicate.
  • The technology behind ChatGPT is based on machine learning and natural language processing.
  • ChatGPT is an efficient and robust tool for handling complex tasks.
  • The widespread use of ChatGPT represents a major advancement in the field of artificial intelligence.

Social Objective

To understand the impact of ChatGPT on society and its role as a symbol of progress and modernization.

Teaching Steps

  • Introduction (5 minutes): Introduce the topic of ChatGPT and its significance as a cutting-edge artificial intelligence system. Ask students to share their opinions on the role of AI in society.
  • Vocabulary Review (10 minutes): Review the target vocabulary words, using examples and context to help students understand their meanings and uses.
  • Sentence Practice (15 minutes): Practice using the target sentences in various contexts, encouraging students to use the vocabulary words in their own sentences.
  • Group Discussion (10 minutes): Divide the class into small groups and ask them to discuss the topic of ChatGPT and its impact on society. Encourage them to use the vocabulary words and target sentences in their discussions.
  • Conclusion (5 minutes): Sum up the key points of the lesson and ask students to share their thoughts on the topic of ChatGPT and its place in the world today.

After-class Summary

This class focused on the topic of ChatGPT as a symbol of progress and modernization in the field of artificial intelligence. Students reviewed key vocabulary words related to AI and practiced using target sentences in context. Through group discussion, students were able to share their thoughts and ideas on the impact of ChatGPT on society. The lesson helped students improve their speaking, writing, listening, and writing skills while engaging with a relevant and thought-provoking topic.

本文标签: 英语教案模板高中ChatGpt