


Headers and footers are the sections at the top and bottom of a document. They generally contain information like page numbers, the date, the author’s name, or the file name. We’ll show you how to add these in Google Docs.

页眉和页脚是文档顶部和底部的部分。 它们通常包含页码 ,日期,作者姓名或文件名之类的信息。 我们将向您展示如何在Google文档中添加这些内容。

First, fire up your browser and go to your Google Docs homepage. Open a new document or the existing one to which you want to add a header or footer.

首先,启动浏览器并转到Google文档首页 。 打开一个新文档或要向其中添加页眉或页脚的现有文档。

Next, click Insert > Header & Page Number, and then click either “Header” or “Footer” to insert it into your document.


You can also use keyboard shortcuts to add headers and footers. To add a header on a Windows or ChromeOS machine, press and hold Ctrl+Alt and press the O, and then H key. On a Mac, press and hold Ctrl+Cmd and press the O, and then H key.

您也可以使用键盘快捷键添加页眉和页脚。 要在Windows或Chrome操作系统上添加标题,请按住Ctrl + Alt并按O,然后按H键。 在Mac上,按住Ctrl + Cmd并按O,然后按H键。

If you want to add a footer on a Windows or ChromeOS machine, again press Ctrl+Alt, and press the O, and then F key. On a Mac, press and hold Ctrl+Cmd and press the O, and then F key.

如果要在Windows或ChromeOS计算机上添加页脚,请再次按Ctrl + Alt,然后按O,然后按F键。 在Mac上,按住Ctrl + Cmd并按O,然后按F键。

For this guide, we’ll use headers throughout. Footers work essentially the same, but are usually reserved for page numbers or footnotes.

在本指南中,我们将始终使用标头。 页脚的工作原理基本相同,但通常保留页码或脚注。

After you enable the header, the cursor moves to the header section so you can type your text.


The header you type on the first page also appears on all subsequent pages, unless you tick the checkbox next to “Different First Page” at the bottom of the header.


If you want to change the header and footer margins, click “Options.”


In the Options window, click the text field for either “Header” or “Footer,” and then type the margin size you want for each.


By default, this change only affects the current page. If you want to apply it to the entire document or all the pages after this one, click the dropdown under “Apply To,” and then select either “Whole Document” or “This Point Forward.”

默认情况下,此更改仅影响当前页面。 如果要将其应用于整个文档或此文档之后的所有页面,请单击“应用于”下的下拉列表,然后选择“整个文档”或“此点向前”。

Click “Apply” to save your changes and return to the document.


If you want to completely different headers or footers for each page, you have to use a work-around and create separate section breaks for each page. After you insert a section break, you have to then break the link to successive sections that Google Docs enforces by default.

如果要为每个页面使用完全不同的页眉或页脚,则必须使用替代方法并为每个页面创建单独的分节符。 插入分节符后,您必须先断开指向Google文档默认执行的连续节的链接。

To do this, place the cursor at the end of the page, and then click Insert > Break > Section Break (Next Page).


The cursor drops down to the next page immediately after you insert the section break. Click inside the header, and then uncheck the box next to “Link to Previous” to enable independent headers on each page.

插入分节符后,光标会立即下降到下一页。 在标题内单击,然后取消选中“链接到上一页”旁边的框,以在每个页面上启用独立的标题。

Repeat this process for every page in your document if you want each one to be different.


When you’re done editing the header, you can click anywhere outside of it or press Esc to save your changes and return to the body of your document.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/449695/how-to-add-headers-and-footers-in-google-docs/


本文标签: 页眉文档如何在Google