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# [`plistlib`](#module-plistlib "plistlib: Generate and parse Mac OS X plist files.") --- Generate and parse Mac OS X `.plist` files

**Source code:** [Lib/](https://github/python/cpython/tree/3.7/Lib/ \[https://github/python/cpython/tree/3.7/Lib/\]

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This module provides an interface for reading and writing the "property list" files used mainly by Mac OS X and supports both binary and XML plist files.

The property list (`.plist`) file format is a simple serialization supporting basic object types, like dictionaries, lists, numbers and strings. Usually the top level object is a dictionary.

To write out and to parse a plist file, use the [`dump()`](#plistlib.dump "plistlib.dump") and [`load()`](#plistlib.load "plistlib.load") functions.

To work with plist data in bytes objects, use [`dumps()`](#plistlib.dumps "plistlib.dumps")and [`loads()`](#plistlib.loads "plistlib.loads").

Values can be strings, integers, floats, booleans, tuples, lists, dictionaries (but only with string keys), [`Data`](#plistlib.Data "plistlib.Data"), [`bytes`](stdtypes.xhtml#bytes "bytes"), `bytesarray`or [`datetime.datetime`](datetime.xhtml#datetime.datetime "datetime.datetime") objects.

在 3.4 版更改: New API, old API deprecated. Support for binary format plists added.


[PList manual page]( \[\]Apple's documentation of the file format.


`plistlib.``load`(*fp*, *\**, *fmt=None*, *use\_builtin\_types=True*, *dict\_type=dict*)Read a plist file. *fp* should be a readable and binary file object. Return the unpacked root object (which usually is a dictionary).

The *fmt* is the format of the file and the following values are valid:

- [`None`](constants.xhtml#None "None"): Autodetect the file format

- [`FMT_XML`](#plistlib.FMT_XML "plistlib.FMT_XML"): XML file format

- [`FMT_BINARY`](#plistlib.FMT_BINARY "plistlib.FMT_BINARY"): Binary plist format

If *use\_builtin\_types* is true (the default) binary data will be returned as instances of [`bytes`](stdtypes.xhtml#bytes "bytes"), otherwise it is returned as instances of [`Data`](#plistlib.Data "plistlib.Data").

The *dict\_type* is the type used for dictionaries that are read from the plist file.

XML data for the [`FMT_XML`](#plistlib.FMT_XML "plistlib.FMT_XML") format is parsed using the Expat parser from [`xml.parsers.expat`](pyexpat.xhtml#module-xml.parsers.expat "xml.parsers.expat: An interface to the Expat non-validating XML parser.") -- see its documentation for possible exceptions on ill-formed XML. Unknown elements will simply be ignored by the plist parser.

The parser for the binary format raises `InvalidFileException`when the file cannot be parsed.

3\.4 新版功能.

`plistlib.``loads`(*data*, *\**, *fmt=None*, *use\_builtin\_types=True*, *dict\_type=dict*)Load a plist from a bytes object. See [`load()`](#plistlib.load "plistlib.load") for an explanation of the keyword arguments.

3\.4 新版功能.

`plistlib.``dump`(*value*, *fp*, *\**, *fmt=FMT\_XML*, *sort\_keys=True*, *skipkeys=False*)Write *value* to a plist file. *Fp* should be a writable, binary file object.

The *fmt* argument specifies the format of the plist file and can be one of the following values:

- [`FMT_XML`](#plistlib.FMT_XML "plistlib.FMT_XML"): XML formatted plist file

- [`FMT_BINARY`](#plistlib.FMT_BINARY "plistlib.FMT_BINARY"): Binary formatted plist file

When *sort\_keys* is true (the default) the keys for dictionaries will be written to the plist in sorted order, otherwise they will be written in the iteration order of the dictionary.

When *skipkeys* is false (the default) the function raises [`TypeError`](exceptions.xhtml#TypeError "TypeError")when a key of a dictionary is not a string, otherwise such keys are skipped.

A [`TypeError`](exceptions.xhtml#TypeError "TypeError") will be raised if the object is of an unsupported type or a container that contains objects of unsupported types.

An [`OverflowError`](exceptions.xhtml#OverflowError "OverflowError") will be raised for integer values that cannot be represented in (binary) plist files.

3\.4 新版功能.

`plistlib.``dumps`(*value*, *\**, *fmt=FMT\_XML*, *sort\_keys=True*, *skipkeys=False*)Return *value* as a plist-formatted bytes object. See the documentation for [`dump()`](#plistlib.dump "plistlib.dump") for an explanation of the keyword arguments of this function.

3\.4 新版功能.

The following functions are deprecated:

`plistlib.``readPlist`(*pathOrFile*)Read a plist file. *pathOrFile* may be either a file name or a (readable and binary) file object. Returns the unpacked root object (which usually is a dictionary).

This function calls [`load()`](#plistlib.load "plistlib.load") to do the actual work, see the documentation of [`that function`](#plistlib.load "plistlib.load") for an explanation of the keyword arguments.

3\.4 版后已移除: Use [`load()`](#plistlib.load "plistlib.load") instead.

在 3.7 版更改: Dict values in the result are now normal dicts. You no longer can use attribute access to access items of these dictionaries.

`plistlib.``writePlist`(*rootObject*, *pathOrFile*)Write *rootObject* to an XML plist file. *pathOrFile* may be either a file name or a (writable and binary) file object

3\.4 版后已移除: Use [`dump()`](#plistlib.dump "plistlib.dump") instead.

`plistlib.``readPlistFromBytes`(*data*)Read a plist data from a bytes object. Return the root object.

See [`load()`](#plistlib.load "plistlib.load") for a description of the keyword arguments.

3\.4 版后已移除: Use [`loads()`](#plistlib.loads "plistlib.loads") instead.

在 3.7 版更改: Dict values in the result are now normal dicts. You no longer can use attribute access to access items of these dictionaries.

`plistlib.``writePlistToBytes`(*rootObject*)Return *rootObject* as an XML plist-formatted bytes object.

3\.4 版后已移除: Use [`dumps()`](#plistlib.dumps "plistlib.dumps") instead.

The following classes are available:

*class* `plistlib.``Data`(*data*)Return a "data" wrapper object around the bytes object *data*. This is used in functions converting from/to plists to represent the `` type available in plists.

It has one attribute, `data`, that can be used to retrieve the Python bytes object stored in it.

3\.4 版后已移除: Use a [`bytes`](stdtypes.xhtml#bytes "bytes") object instead.

The following constants are available:

`plistlib.``FMT_XML`The XML format for plist files.

3\.4 新版功能.

`plistlib.``FMT_BINARY`The binary format for plist files

3\.4 新版功能.

## 示例

Generating a plist:


pl = dict(

aString = "Doodah",

aList = ["A", "B", 12, 32.1, [1, 2, 3]],

aFloat = 0.1,

anInt = 728,

aDict = dict(

anotherString = "",

aThirdString = "M\xe4ssig, Ma\xdf",

aTrueValue = True,

aFalseValue = False,


someData = b"",

someMoreData = b"" * 10,

aDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.gmtime())),


with open(fileName, 'wb') as fp:

dump(pl, fp)


Parsing a plist:


with open(fileName, 'rb') as fp:

pl = load(fp)



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