It is useful sometimes to set up a sshd server on a Windows. One example is using remote forwards tunnel to pass through the firewall.
有时在Windows上设置sshd 服务器很有用。 一个示例是使用远程转发隧道通过防火墙。
My platform is Windows XP SP3.
我的平台是Windows XP SP3。
The sshd server is sshwindows. It can be dowloaded from here: http://sshwindows.sourceforge/ . The version I use here is 3.8p1-1 20040709.
sshd服务器是sshwindows。 可以从此处下载:http://sshwindows.sourceforge/。 我在这里使用的版本是3.8p1-1 20040709。
It is really easy:
1) Run sshwindows installer and click OK and OK…
2) Run cmd.exe:
3) cd C:Program FilesOpenSSHbin (it depends on the sshd’s install location)
3)cd C:Program FilesOpenSSHbin(取决于sshd的安装位置)
4) ‘mkgroup -l >> ..etcgroup’
4)'mkgroup -l >> ..etcgroup'
5) ‘mkpasswd -l >> ..etcpasswd’
5)'mkpasswd -l >> ..etcpasswd'
Now all local users are added to the sshd users list. More details can be found in the readme.txt file.
现在,所有本地用户都被添加到sshd用户列表中。 可以在readme.txt文件中找到更多详细信息。
6) Configuration the firewall and let it allow the sshd service listening on port 22
7) Start the sshd service: ‘net start “OpenSSH Server”‘
7) 启动 sshd服务:'net start“ OpenSSH Server”
Now it is OK ;) Try to ssh to the windows and have fun.
There are some problems such as the default home is “/home/USERNAME”, but you just get a warning and you can change to the directory by yourself. At least, it works.
存在一些问题,例如默认的主目录是“ / home / USERNAME”,但是您只会收到警告,并且可以自己更改目录。 至少,它有效。
翻译自: https://www.systutorials/set-up-ssh-server-on-windows-xp/
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