

Windows Operating systems generally installed from a CD or DVD. On the other side Linux operating systems like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, etc can be installed from USB easily. Recently Windows also started to support installation from the USB drive. Windows 10 Media Creation is a tool provided by Microsoft where it creates USB or DVD  Windows 10 installation media easily.

Windows操作系统通常从CD或DVD安装。 另一方面,可以通过USB轻松安装Linux操作系统,如Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Fedora等。 最近,Windows还开始支持从USB驱动器进行安装。 Windows 10 Media Creation是Microsoft提供的工具,可在其中轻松创建USB或DVD Windows 10安装媒体。

Windows 10媒体创建工具要求 (Windows 10 Media Creation Tool Requirements)

In order to create a Windows 10 Installation Media via Windows 10 Media Creation Tool there are some requirements and musts to obey. Below are what we will need;

为了通过Windows 10 Media Creation Tool创建Windows 10安装介质,必须满足一些要求和必须遵守的要求。 以下是我们所需要的;

  • A PC with a reliable, unrestricted and fast internet connection is required because the Windows ISO file will be downloaded from internet which is about 4-5 GB.

    需要一台具有可靠,不受限制且快速的Internet连接的PC,因为将从Internet下载大约4-5 GB的Windows ISO文件。
  • A USB flash drive where we will store the Windows 10 installation files.

    我们将在其中存储Windows 10安装文件的USB闪存驱动器。
  • A product key for Windows 10 license but it is not a must which can be provided later after installation.

    Windows 10许可证的产品密钥,但不是必需的,可以在安装后稍后提供。
  • Your target system where Windows 10 will be installed should met the Windows 10 requirements too.

    您将安装Windows 10的目标系统也应符合Windows 10要求。

下载Windows 10媒体创建工具 (Download Windows 10 Media Creation Tool)

Windows 10 Media Creation Tool can be download from the official Microsoft site from the following page. We will just click to the Download button which will download the tool.

Windows 10 Media Creation Tool可以从下页的Microsoft官方网站下载。 我们只需单击“ Download按钮即可下载该工具。

Download Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
下载Windows 10媒体创建工具

Or simply we can use the following link in order to download the MediaCreationTool.exe . But keep in mind that this is the direct link for a specific version of the Media Creation Tool and can be outdated in the future. In order to download the most recent and up to date version please use the previous link specified above.

或者只是我们可以使用下面的链接来下载MediaCreationTool.exe 。 但是请记住,这是特定版本的媒体创建工具的直接链接,将来可能会过时。 为了下载最新版本,请使用上面指定的上一个链接。

本文标签: 如何下载WindowsmediaDVDUSB