


一、WireShark 下载

二、WireShark 安装


(2)Choose Components:选择组件

(3)Additional Tasks:附加任务

(4)Choose lnstall Location:选择安装位置

(5) Packet Capture:包捕获

(6)USB Capture:USB 捕获

(7)安装 Npcap

(8)安装 USBPcap


三、WireShark 使用

(1)启动 WireShark


一、WireShark 下载


二、WireShark 安装


(2)Choose Components:选择组件

Choose which features of Wireshark 4.0.1 64-bit you want to install.

选择要安装的 Wireshark 4.0.1 64 位的需要的功能,默认全选即可

The following components are available for installation.


Select components to install:


  • Wireshark:The main network protocol analyzer application.  主要的网络协议分析器应用。
  • TShark:Text based network protocol analyzer.  基于文本的网络协议分析仪。
  • Plugins & Extensionslools:Plugins and extensions for both Wireshark and TShark.  Wireshark 和 TShark 的插件和扩展。
  • Tools:Additional command line based tools.   其他基于命令行的工具。
  • Documentation:Install an offline copy of the User's Guide and FAQ.   安装 “用户指南” 和 “常见问题” 的脱机副本文献。

(3)Additional Tasks:附加任务

Create shortcuts and associate file extensions.


Create Shortcuts:创建快捷方式

  • Wireshark Start Menu Item:Wireshark开始菜单项
  • Wireshark Desktop Icon:Wireshark桌面图标
  • Wireshark Quick Launch Icon:Wireshark 快捷方式图标

Associate File Extensions:关联文件扩展

Associate trace file extensions with Wireshark

将跟踪文件扩展名与 Wireshark 关联起来

Extensions include 5vw, acp, apc, atc, bfr, cap, enc, erf , fdc, ipfix, Icap,
mplog, ntar, out, pcap, pcapng, pklg, pkt, rf5, snoop, syc, tpc, tr1, trace, trc,vwr, wpc, and wpz.

扩展包括 5vw, acp, apc, atc, bfr, cap, enc, erf , fdc, ipfix, Icap,
mplog, ntar, out, pcap, pcapng, pklg, pkt, rf5, snoop, syc, tpc, tr1, trace, trc,vwr, wpc, and wpz.

(4)Choose lnstall Location:选择安装位置

Choose the folder in which to install Wireshark 4.0.1 64-bit.

选择要安装Wireshark 4.0.1 64位的文件夹,需自定义安装路径

(5) Packet Capture:包捕获

Wireshark requires either Npcap or WinPcap to capture live network data.

Wireshark 需要 Npcap 或 WinPcap 来捕获实时网络数据,默认全选即可

Currently installed Npcap or WinPcap version

当前已安装的 Npcap 或 WinPcap 版本号

  • WinPcap 4.1.3

Install Npcap 1.71:安装 Npcap 1.71
The currently installed WinPcap 4.1.3 may be uninstalled first.

当前安装的 WinPcap4.1.3 可以先卸载。

Important notice:重要通知
lf your system has crashed during a Wireshark installation, you must run the command'net stop npcap' as Administrator before upgrading Npcap, so that it doesn't crash again

如果您的系统在 Wireshark 安装期间崩溃,则必须在升级 Npcapk 之前以管理员身份运行命令 ‘net Stop npcape’,这样它就不会再次崩溃

(6)USB Capture:USB 捕获

USBPcap is required to capture USB traffic. Should USBPcap be installed(experimental)?

要捕获 USB 流量,需要 USBPcap。是否应该安装 USBPcap (实验)?


Currently installed USBPcap version

当前已安装的 USBPcap 版本号

  • USBPcap is currently not installed:当前未安装 USBPcap

Install USBPcap安装 USBPcap
(Use Add/Remove Programs first to uninstall any undetected old USBPcap versions)

(首先使用添加/删除程序卸载任何未检测到的旧 USBPcap 版本)

Important notice:重要通知
In case of issue after installation, please use the system restore point created or readhttps://github/desowin/usbpcap/issues/3



(7)安装 Npcap

Installation Options:安装选项
Please review the following options before installing Npcap 1.71

在安装 Npcap1.71 之前,请检查以下选项,默认全选即可

  • Restrict Npcap driver's access to Administrators only:仅限制 Npcap 驱动程序访问管理员
  • Support raw 802.11 traffic (and monitor mode) for wireless adapters:支持无线适配器的原始 802.11 通信量(和监视模式)
  • Install Npcap in WinPcap API-compatible Mode (WinPcap will be uninstalled) :在WinPcapAPI 兼容模式下安装 Npcap (将卸载 WinPcapd )

(8)安装 USBPcap


检查电脑的文件是否保存,此步骤需要重新 Windows 系统,WireShark 才可以完全安装成功,重启后才可以使用 WireShark

三、WireShark 使用

(1)启动 WireShark



【抓包工具】实战:WireShark 捕获过滤器的超全使用教程https://blog.csdn/qq_39720249/article/details/128157288 

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本文标签: 工具WinWireshark