

matlab 将图片遮罩处理,matlab


function [ ] = defect_marking( )

% This function divides a figure into grids. The grid cells can be clicked

% ,on detecting the click the cell would turn to red. Use keypress to exit

% the funtion

disp('Defect Function');

pw = waitforbuttonpress;

while pw ~= 1

cell = 100; % size of single cell

col = 11; % maximum number of columns in the grid

[c1, c2] = ginput(1);% detect cursor co-ordinates

cell_n = (floor(c2/cell)*col)+ (floor(c1/cell)+1);

n = cell_n;% index of cell cell number selected

n_row = floor(n/col);

n_col = mod(n,col);

% Calculations for determining co-ordinates for grid cell to be patched.

x1= (n_col * cell)- cell;

y1= (n_row * cell)+ cell;

x2= (n_col * cell);

y2= (n_row * cell)+ cell;

x3= (n_col * cell);

y3 = (n_row * cell);

x4= (n_col * cell)- cell;

y4= (n_row * cell);

x = [x1 x2 x3 x4];

y = [y1 y2 y3 y4];

p = patch(x,y,'red');% applying patch on grid

pw = waitforbuttonpress;% updating button press to detect keypress to exit



本文标签: matlab 将图片遮罩处理MATLAB