@Simba on the Circle@
- @Simba on the Circle@
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- @题目描述 - English@
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- @分析@
- @方案@
- @代码@
@题目描述 - English@
You are given a circular array with n elements. The elements are numbered from some element with values from 1 to n in clockwise order. The i-th cell contains the value ai. The robot Simba is in cell s.
Each moment of time the robot is in some of the n cells (at the begin he is in s). In one turn the robot can write out the number written in current cell or move to the adjacent cell in clockwise or counterclockwise direction. To write out the number from the cell Simba doesn’t spend any time, but to move to adjacent cell Simba spends one unit of time.
Simba wants to write the number from each cell one time, so the numbers will be written in a non decreasing order. Find the least number of time units to write out all numbers.
The first line contains two integers n and s (1 ≤ s ≤ n ≤ 2000) — the number of cells in the circular array and the starting position of Simba.
The second line contains n integers ai ( −109 − 10 9 ≤ ai ≤ 109 10 9 ) — the number written in the i-th cell. The numbers are given for cells in order from 1 to n. Some of numbers ai can be equal.
In the first line print the number t — the least number of time units.
Each of the next n lines should contain the direction of robot movement and the number of cells to move in that direction. After that movement the robot writes out the number from the cell in which it turns out. The direction and the number of cells should be printed in the form of +x in case of clockwise movement and -x in case of counterclockwise movement to x cells (0 ≤ x ≤ n - 1).
Note that the sum of absolute values of x should be equal to t.
9 1
0 1 2 2 2 1 0 1 1
8 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
8 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
一个包含n个房间的环形序列,顺时针依次编号为1~n,第i个房间有一个权值 ai a i 。
机器人 Simba S i m b a 一开始在第s个房间。每一次 Simba S i m b a 有两个选择:记录当前房间的权值或者沿顺时针或逆时针移动到下一个房间。每移动一次消耗一单位时间,每次记录权值不消耗时间。
Simba S i m b a 想要以非递减的顺序记录权值。请帮它找到一个消耗时间最少的方案。方案的详细输出方法见样例。
首先我们存二元组 (val,pos) ( v a l , p o s ) ,即一个房间的权值与下标。以权值为第一关键字,以下标为第二关键字从小到大排序。然后我们相当于要处理两部分:
【注: v1 v 1 < v2 v 2 且不存在 vi v i 使得 v1 v 1 < vi v i < v2 v 2 】
定义 end[i] e n d [ i ] 为走完所有满足 val[j]<=val[i] v a l [ j ] <= v a l [ i ] 的j并最终停在i的最短时间
定义 bgn[i] b g n [ i ] 为走完所有满足 val[j]<val[i] v a l [ j ] < v a l [ i ] 的j并最终停在i的最短时间
定义 dp[0][l][r] d p [ 0 ] [ l ] [ r ] 为从 pos[l] p o s [ l ] 出发沿顺时针方向到 pos[r] p o s [ r ] 这部分区间全部走完并最终停在 左端点的最短时间
定义 dp[1][l][r] d p [ 1 ] [ l ] [ r ] 为从 pos[l] p o s [ l ] 出发沿顺时针方向到 pos[r] p o s [ r ] 这部分区间全部走完并最终停在 右端点的最短时间
【区间 [l,r]所表示的意义如下图】
初状态: dp[0][i][i]=dp[1][i][i]=bgn[pos[i]] d p [ 0 ] [ i ] [ i ] = d p [ 1 ] [ i ] [ i ] = b g n [ p o s [ i ] ]
转移式: dp[0][i][j]=min(dp[0][i+1][j]+(pos[i+1]−pos[i]+n)modn,dp[1][i+1][j]+(pos[j]−pos[i]+n)modn) d p [ 0 ] [ i ] [ j ] = m i n ( d p [ 0 ] [ i + 1 ] [ j ] + ( p o s [ i + 1 ] − p o s [ i ] + n ) mod n , d p [ 1 ] [ i + 1 ] [ j ] + ( p o s [ j ] − p o s [ i ] + n ) mod n )
dp[1][i][j]=min(dp[0][i][j−1]+(pos[j]−pos[i]+n)modn,dp[1][i][j−1]+(pos[j]−pos[j−1]+n)modn) d p [ 1 ] [ i ] [ j ] = m i n ( d p [ 0 ] [ i ] [ j − 1 ] + ( p o s [ j ] − p o s [ i ] + n ) mod n , d p [ 1 ] [ i ] [ j − 1 ] + ( p o s [ j ] − p o s [ j − 1 ] + n ) mod n )
终状态: end[i]=min(dp[0][j][j−1],dp[1][j+1][j]) e n d [ i ] = m i n ( d p [ 0 ] [ j ] [ j − 1 ] , d p [ 1 ] [ j + 1 ] [ j ] )
我们只需要在 end[i](val[i]最大) e n d [ i ] ( v a l [ i ] 最 大 ) 中找答案即可。
对于权值相同之间的转移,用一个 pre[0/1][i][j][3] p r e [ 0 / 1 ] [ i ] [ j ] [ 3 ] 表示 dp[0/1][i][j] d p [ 0 / 1 ] [ i ] [ j ] 是由 dp[pre[0/1][i][j][0]][pre[0/1][i][j][1]][pre[0/1][i][j][2]] d p [ p r e [ 0 / 1 ] [ i ] [ j ] [ 0 ] ] [ p r e [ 0 / 1 ] [ i ] [ j ] [ 1 ] ] [ p r e [ 0 / 1 ] [ i ] [ j ] [ 2 ] ] 转移过来的。
再用另一个 pre2[i][3] p r e 2 [ i ] [ 3 ] 表示 end[i] e n d [ i ] 是由 dp[pre2[i][0]][pre2[i][1]][pre2[i][2]] d p [ p r e 2 [ i ] [ 0 ] ] [ p r e 2 [ i ] [ 1 ] ] [ p r e 2 [ i ] [ 2 ] ]
对于权值不同之间的转移,我们定义 fa[i] f a [ i ] 表示 bgn[i] b g n [ i ] 是由 end[fa[i]] e n d [ f a [ i ] ] 转移过来的。间接表示 dp[0/1][i][i] d p [ 0 / 1 ] [ i ] [ i ] 是由 dp[pre2[fa[i]][0]][pre2[fa[i]][1]][pre2[fa[i]][2]] d p [ p r e 2 [ f a [ i ] ] [ 0 ] ] [ p r e 2 [ f a [ i ] ] [ 1 ] ] [ p r e 2 [ f a [ i ] ] [ 2 ] ]
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 2000;
const int INF = int(1E9);
struct node{int pos, val, pre[3];
}a[MAXN + 5];
bool operator < (node a, node b) {if( a.val == b.val )return a.pos < b.pos;return a.val < b.val;
int dp[2][MAXN + 5][MAXN + 5], pre[2][MAXN + 5][MAXN + 5][3];
int bgn[MAXN + 5], end[MAXN + 5], fa[MAXN + 5], n, s, x;
void Print(int x, int y, int z) {if( y == z ) {if( pre[x][y][z][0] != 0 )Print(a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pre[0], a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pre[1], a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pre[2]);if( a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos <= a[y].pos ) {if( a[y].pos - a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos < n - a[y].pos + a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos ) printf("+%d\n", a[y].pos - a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos);else printf("-%d\n", n - a[y].pos + a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos);}else {if( a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos - a[y].pos < n - a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos + a[y].pos ) printf("-%d\n", a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos - a[y].pos);else printf("+%d\n", n - a[pre[x][y][z][0]].pos + a[y].pos);}}else {Print(pre[x][y][z][0], pre[x][y][z][1], pre[x][y][z][2]);if( x == 0 ) {if( pre[x][y][z][0] == 0 ) {if( a[pre[x][y][z][1]].pos > a[y].pos )printf("-%d\n", a[pre[x][y][z][1]].pos - a[y].pos);elseprintf("-%d\n", n + a[pre[x][y][z][1]].pos - a[y].pos);//ok}else {if( a[pre[x][y][z][2]].pos > a[y].pos )printf("-%d\n", a[pre[x][y][z][2]].pos - a[y].pos);elseprintf("-%d\n", n + a[pre[x][y][z][2]].pos - a[y].pos);}}else {if( pre[x][y][z][0] == 0 ) {if( a[pre[x][y][z][1]].pos < a[z].pos )printf("+%d\n", a[z].pos - a[pre[x][y][z][1]].pos);//okelseprintf("+%d\n", n - a[pre[x][y][z][1]].pos + a[z].pos);}else {if( a[pre[x][y][z][2]].pos < a[z].pos )printf("+%d\n", a[z].pos - a[pre[x][y][z][2]].pos);//okelseprintf("+%d\n", n - a[pre[x][y][z][2]].pos + a[z].pos);}}}
int main() {scanf("%d%d", &n, &s);a[0].pos = s, a[0].val = -INF-5;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {scanf("%d", &x);a[i].pos = i, a[i].val = x;}sort(a, a+n+1);int lst = 0;memset(dp, 127, sizeof dp);a[n+1].val = -INF-5;for(int i=1;i<=n+1;i++) {if( a[i].val != a[lst].val ) {int p = i-lst;for(int j=0;j<p;j++) {dp[0][lst+j][lst+j] = dp[1][lst+j][lst+j] = bgn[a[lst+j].pos];pre[0][lst+j][lst+j][0] = pre[1][lst+j][lst+j][0] = fa[a[lst+j].pos];}for(int len=2;len<=i-lst;len++) {for(int j=0;j<p;j++) {int k = (j+len-1) % p;if( dp[1][lst+(j+1)%p][lst+k] + (a[lst+k].pos+n-a[lst+j].pos)%n < dp[0][lst+(j+1)%p][lst+k] + (a[lst+(j+1)%p].pos+n-a[lst+j].pos)%n ) {dp[0][lst+j][lst+k] = dp[1][lst+(j+1)%p][lst+k] + (a[lst+k].pos+n-a[lst+j].pos)%n;pre[0][lst+j][lst+k][0] = 1; pre[0][lst+j][lst+k][1] = lst+(j+1)%p; pre[0][lst+j][lst+k][2] = lst+k;}else {dp[0][lst+j][lst+k] = dp[0][lst+(j+1)%p][lst+k] + (a[lst+(j+1)%p].pos+n-a[lst+j].pos)%n;pre[0][lst+j][lst+k][0] = 0; pre[0][lst+j][lst+k][1] = lst+(j+1)%p; pre[0][lst+j][lst+k][2] = lst+k;}if( dp[1][lst+j][lst+(k+p-1)%p] + (a[lst+k].pos+n-a[lst+(k+p-1)%p].pos)%n < dp[0][lst+j][lst+(k+p-1)%p] + (a[lst+k].pos+n-a[lst+j].pos)%n ) {dp[1][lst+j][lst+k] = dp[1][lst+j][lst+(k+p-1)%p] + (a[lst+k].pos+n-a[lst+(k+p-1)%p].pos)%n;pre[1][lst+j][lst+k][0] = 1; pre[1][lst+j][lst+k][1] = lst+j; pre[1][lst+j][lst+k][2] = lst+(k+p-1)%p;}else {dp[1][lst+j][lst+k] = dp[0][lst+j][lst+(k+p-1)%p] + (a[lst+k].pos+n-a[lst+j].pos)%n;pre[1][lst+j][lst+k][0] = 0; pre[1][lst+j][lst+k][1] = lst+j; pre[1][lst+j][lst+k][2] = lst+(k+p-1)%p;}}}for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)bgn[j] = INF;for(int j=0;j<p;j++) {if( dp[0][lst+j][lst+(j+p-1)%p] < dp[1][lst+(j+1)%p][lst+j] ) {end[lst+j] = dp[0][lst+j][lst+(j+p-1)%p];a[lst+j].pre[0] = 0; a[lst+j].pre[1] = lst+j;a[lst+j].pre[2] = lst+(j+p-1)%p;}else {end[lst+j] = dp[1][lst+(j+1)%p][lst+j];a[lst+j].pre[0] = 1;a[lst+j].pre[1] = lst+(j+1)%p;a[lst+j].pre[2] = lst+j;}for(int k=1;k<=n;k++)if( end[lst+j] + min(n-abs(a[lst+j].pos-k), abs(a[lst+j].pos-k)) < bgn[k] ) {bgn[k] = end[lst+j] + min(n-abs(a[lst+j].pos-k), abs(a[lst+j].pos-k));fa[k] = lst+j;}}if( i == n+1 ) {int minx = lst;for(int j=0;j<p;j++) {if( end[lst+j] < end[minx] )minx = lst + j;}printf("%d\n", end[minx]);Print(a[minx].pre[0], a[minx].pre[1], a[minx].pre[2]);}lst = i;}}
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